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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Approve Meadows of Hugo Final Plat and Development Agreement <br />Centra North, LLC had applied for final plat approval to plat 47 lots and 4 outlots in The <br />Meadows at Hugo development. The development would be located north of 159th Street North <br />and west of Highway 61, which was currently vacant land. The City Council reviewed and <br />approved the preliminary plat and PUD for The Meadows at Hugo at its March 1, 2021 meeting. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2021-30 APPROVING FINAL <br />PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR CENTRA NORTH, LLC, ON PROPERTY <br />LOCATED NORTH OF 159TH STREET NORTH AND WEST OF HIGHWAY 61 FOR THE <br />MEADOWS AT HUGO. <br />Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for The Meadows at Hugo Residential Development <br />Centra North, LLC proposed to develop an approximately 33 acre parcel located north of 159th <br />Street North and west of Highway 61 to be known as The Meadows at Hugo. To accommodate <br />the development, the applicant proposed to impact roughly 1.78 acres of wetlands out of the 5.92 <br />acres of wetland on site. The applicant would create and restore 3.56 acres of wetlands and <br />upland buffers on site to receive credit. The requirements under the MN Wetland Conservation <br />Act (WCA) had been met. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved The Meadows at Hugo <br />wetland replacement plans, subject to final approval by the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP). <br />Approve Reduction in Cash Escrow for Hugo Gardens <br />The Hugo Gardens Project had grading and utility work completed to date and the Hugo Garden <br />Apartments, LLC. had requested a reduction in the Cash Escrow. The current amount of cash <br />escrow for the Hugo Gardens Project was in the amount of $2,145,757. Staff had inspected the <br />work completed to date and recommended Council approve the reduction in cash escrow. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in the cash escrow to $1,967,742 based <br />on the value of work remaining to be completed. <br />Approve Pay Voucher No. 7 from Ebert Construction for New Public Works Facility <br />Ebert Construction had submitted pay request No. 7 for payment for the City of Hugo Public <br />Works Facility project in the amount of $539,374.47. The quantities completed to date had been <br />reviewed and agreed upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated <br />above reflected the work certified through April of 2021, with a 5% retainage applied. Total <br />retainage being held for the project to date was $86,430.08. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved pay request No. 7 in the amount of $539,374.47 to Ebert Construction. <br />Receive Bids and Award Contract for Salt and Materials Storage Building <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson provided Council with the results of the bid opening that <br />took place on April 22, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. He explained that six bids were received with the low <br />bid being submitted by Ebert Construction. Ebert Construction was currently doing the main <br />Public Works building construction. The bidding documents included a salt storage building and <br />a materials storage building. The 5,240 square foot building would have two separate purpose <br />