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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />opening on June 15, contract awarded at the June 21 meeting, and construction starting in July, <br />2021. <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-32 APPROVING <br />PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS <br />FOR THE NEW PAVILION AT LIONS PARK. <br />Roll call vote - all ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Advertisement for Bids for CSAH 8 Water Reuse Proiect <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson provided background stating WSB had previously been directed to <br />prepare plans and specifications for the CSAH 8 Stormwater Reuse Project. He showed the area <br />to be served with the water reuse project saying the plan was to pump water from the stormwater <br />pond located in the NW quadrant of CSAH 8 and Oneka Parkway to the existing irrigation <br />system along CSAH 8 and future irrigation system to be constructed as part of the Lions Park <br />Redevelopment Project and the 2021 Downtown Improvement Project. The project would <br />conserve an estimated 14 million gallons of water annually. Plans and Specifications had been <br />prepared and were ready to be advertised for bidding. The total project cost was $729,000, and <br />Erichson was pleased to announce the City had already received grants for 85% of the cost, and <br />$76,000 in grant funds was still pending. He stated the schedule was similar to the other projects <br />with the contract to be awarded at the June 21, 2021, meeting. <br />Miron asked if any disruptions were expected along the CSAH 8 corridor. Erichson replied that <br />there would be work within in the right-of-way, but no road closures were expected with the <br />project. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-33 APPROVING PLANS <br />AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE CSAH <br />8 STORMWATER REUSE PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Resolution Declaring Council Vacancy and Approving Appointment Process <br />At its April 19, 2021, meeting, Council Member Haas announced his retirement effective May <br />31 after over 22 years on the Council. His term was to expire on December 31, 2021. Staff was <br />directed to draft an appointment process to fill the vacancy and bring it back to Council for <br />approval. City Administrator Bryan Bear explained the process as outlined in State Statute to fill <br />the vacancy by council appointment until an election is held. A special election was not required <br />if there was less than two years of the term remaining. He explained the qualifications that <br />included residency in Ward 3. Applications were due by Wednesday, May 19, and an <br />appointment could be made at the first meeting in June and the appointed person sworn in. Staff <br />recommended Council approve the resolution accepting the resignation of Council Member <br />Chuck Haas and declaring a vacancy to be filled by appointment. Staff further recommends <br />Council select a date and time between Monday, May 24 and Friday, May 28 to hold interviews. <br />