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2021.05.17 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2021 CC Minutes
2021.05.17 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2021 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />structure fires, and grass/brush/and tree fires were the highest. The department assisted M <br />Health in 133 calls. He compared the number of calls from the past years and pointed out the <br />decline in 2015 when they transitioned the ambulance service. He talked about call volume <br />being down 26% nationally from March -June, largely due to people being told to not call 911 <br />unless absolutely necessary during COVID. He provided information on calls per hours with <br />54% of calls coming in between 8:00-17:00, which played into their staffing model to hire <br />daytime people, and he said they planned to advertise to hire on June 1. Operational <br />improvements in 2020 were Automatic Aid Agreements with Lino Lakes, Scandia, and <br />Mahtomedi, which were in addition to the ones they already had with Forest Lake, White Bear <br />Lake, and Stillwater. Compton talked about how the automatic aid response for structure fires <br />helped the ISO rating. <br />He provided information on how they adjusted to COVID last year by implementing a "scout" <br />response and running with smaller crews. There were 1,644 training hours for weekly drills, <br />which was down over 1,300 hours due to COVID, and one of the two live training burns were <br />canceled. The department was planning on a live burn this year after the 4th of July holiday. <br />Leadership development classes were also paused, and they were working to resume them. <br />There were typically 13 community events the department participates in annually, but last year, <br />only one blood drive was held. They had already received several requests for this year. <br />Compton talked about Hugo being a Heartsafe community saying they maintained AEDs in three <br />public buildings, and they will be upgrading them this year with donations from the Hugo <br />American Legion, who now have their own that the department will maintain and train them on. <br />There were 11 firefighters that had AEDs in their possession for quick response. The Lions Club <br />and State Farm had also donated money towards the initiative. <br />Goals for 2021 were to create a transition plan for a full-time fire chief, start discussions on <br />daytime staffing models, review EMS in Hugo, and hire more paid on -call firefighters later in the <br />year. <br />He concluded by thanking retiring Council Member Haas for his support of the department over <br />the years and wished him luck in the future. <br />M Health Fairview EMS Annual Report <br />M Health Operations Deputy Chief Tom Dunn explained M Health Fairview had been providing <br />EMS to Hugo since they took over the region from North Memorial EMS in June of 2020, at the <br />start of COVID. He explained Hugo was part of the Northern Region Primary Service Area <br />(PSA) that included eight other cities. He talked about how their ambulances were not static, and <br />they used algorithms and analyzed data and stats to have the shortest arrival times and make <br />changes in equipment and staff to accommodate peak periods. They hold meetings with <br />municipal leaders at least once a month to share data, review specific calls, and brainstorm on <br />training needs. <br />Dunn reviewed statistics of the entire PSA that showed that there were 3,724 ambulance requests <br />with 222 cancelled in process. In the first year they had reached out to neighboring PSAs for <br />
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