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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />help 127 times, and 135 times they were asked to leave their PSA and help a neighbor's. They <br />were on scene 3,502 times and transported 1,595 patients in a nonemergency mode (no lights or <br />sirens) and 234 in an emergence mode. Ambulance responses were based on dispatch protocols <br />to determine the urgency of the medical needs. It was determined that with lower needs, speed, <br />lights, and sirens would not benefit them, but would put the general public at risk. He provided <br />statistics on response times saying Hugo's average response time of 7:25 was lower than the <br />PSA average. Dunn reviewed the nature of call in Hugo during the past 11 months saying most <br />were related to falls, and many times the falls were related to something else. <br />Manager Kevin Kane talked about his focus on Hugo's PSA when they took over last June and <br />their ability to converse with fire department leaders on calls to see what went well or what could <br />be done better. EMS actively participates on training with the Hugo Fire Department, but <br />COVID had slowed things down. He talked about his squad having full ALS medical equipment <br />and his ability to respond to calls before the ambulance arrived. They were currently developing <br />a fire rehab program to evaluate firefighters on scene, which would allow chiefs and deputy <br />chiefs to focus on their own roles. He talked about dynamic hosting locations and how <br />ambulances were moved according to call volume and times. <br />Approval of Consent Agenda <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the following consent agenda: <br />1. Approve Claims Roster <br />2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Rick Kieffer <br />3. Approve Special Event Permit for Outdoor Events at the Blacksmith Lounge <br />4. Approve Special Event Permit for MS 150 <br />5. Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for 13094 Fondant Trail N. <br />6. Approve Replacement of the CAT 938H Wheel Loader <br />7. Approve Hiring of Russ Pastorious as Summer Seasonal Staff <br />Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approve Claims Roster <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Rick Kieffer <br />Rick Kieffer was re -hired by the City of Hugo on May 31, 2005 returning after a short period of <br />time in the private sector. Over the past 15 years, Rick had worked under the direction of Public <br />Works Director Scott Anderson. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Annual <br />Performance Review for Public Works Worker Rick Kieffer. <br />