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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Approve Hiring of Russ Pastorious as Summer Seasonal Staff <br />One of the six seasonal positions approved remained unfilled as a past seasonal employee was <br />not able to return this summer. Seasonal Public Works Employees assist with mowing, <br />garbage/litter removal, park maintenance, and street and boulevard maintenance along with <br />general public works maintenance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of <br />Russ Pastorius as a seasonal employees for the public works department. <br />Approve Revised Building Inspector Job Description and Advertisement for Position <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba talked about the staffing of the Community <br />Development Department that included a Building Official, Building Inspector, and Building <br />Department Receptionist. She explained that staff kept track of the number of permits and <br />inspections each month. Commercial, industrial, and residential development had been <br />increasing in the City over the last few years which increased related building permits and <br />inspections required. Juba provided statistics from the past years that showed permits in 2020 <br />doubled from 2019, and were up over 30% from last year at this time. There were also large <br />projects such as the Public Works building, White Bear Lake School Transportation Facility and <br />a new elementary school underway, which would increase inspections. She explained the <br />department also tracked residential lot developments, and there were approximately 200 <br />residential lots available for new construction in the City. Juba recommended Council approve <br />the hiring of another building inspector. The position was not budgeted for, but a planner <br />position had been budgeted and had not been filled. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the revisions to the Building Inspector job <br />description and authorize to advertisement for a new Building Inspector position. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Vacancy in the Finance Department <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear discussed with Council the need to fill the vacancy in the Finance <br />Department. He explained the lack of transition and separation of duties led to challenges <br />because duties were not shared. He stated the City was in extremely good financial position, and <br />there was very capable staff in the Finance Department. He stated this was a key position that <br />would eventually need to filled, and he talked about the importance to have the right financial <br />philosophy. A Financial Director would advise and make recommendation on all financial <br />matters. <br />Bear talked about the need for an interim solution and a permanent solution. The permanent <br />solution would be to find a new Finance Director, and the recruitment process could take up to <br />six months. He stated he would like to come back to Council with recommendations on how the <br />process should occur. He talked about the immediate need to appoint an Interim Finance <br />Director to manage the day-to-day operations, finish the audit, begin the budget cycle and work <br />on upcoming bond related issues. An Interim Finance Director would assign and reallocate work <br />and would require support. Bear stated he would like to hire outside help to assist specific staff <br />