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2021.05.17 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2021 CC Minutes
2021.05.17 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Outdoor Events at the Blacksmith Lounge <br />The Blacksmith Lounge Restaurant had submitted an application for a Special Event Permit to <br />host seven car show events on their property between May and September, 2021. The events <br />required City Council approval because they would be serving alcohol and there could be up to <br />200 people at the event. All events would be held outdoors on Sundays from May 31 through <br />September 19 with the exception of two car shows on Mondays (Memorial Day and Labor Day). <br />All signage and parking would be on the Blacksmith property. In past years, the Blacksmith had <br />held around 14 events including car shows, auctions, swap meets, and a corn feed. The only <br />events planned for 2021 were the seven car shows. Staff believed that the Blacksmith had done <br />a good job organizing the events in the past years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the Special Event Permit for the Blacksmith Lounge for their 2021 events. <br />Approve Special Event Permit for MS150 <br />The MS Society had submitted an application for a Special Event Permit for their annual bicycle <br />fundraising event for MS on Saturday, June 12, 2012. This required a permit because there <br />would be approximately 1,500 riders, and trails and streets in Hugo would be used. In the past, <br />the bike ride took place from the cities to Duluth and back, and bikers rode south through Hugo <br />on the Hardwood Creek Trail and TH61. This year, the ride had been scaled down from past <br />years to a one -day ride instead of a two-day ride. This year, the MS 150 would be a 78 mile loop <br />starting and ending in Blaine and would skirt the north and south borders of Hugo. Staff <br />believed the applicant had done a good job organizing the event. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the special event permit for the MS 150. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for Emmanuel and Sifon Efiong <br />13094 Fondant Trail N. <br />Emmanuel and Sifon Efiong had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of <br />a fence within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 13094 Fondant Trail north. <br />Staff had reviewed the request and recommended Council approve the encroachment agreement. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2021-35 APPROVING AN <br />ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR EMMANUEL AND SIFON EFIONG TO ALLOW <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON <br />THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13094 FONDANT TRAIL NORTH. <br />Approve Replacement of the CAT 938H Wheel Loader <br />In 2011, the City purchased a used Caterpillar wheel loader (CAT 938H). Staff had been <br />working with Finance Director, Ron Otkin, to schedule the replacement of this loader for this <br />year. Staff had received quotes from Ziegler CAT and Lano Equipment for a new loader and <br />attachments. These quotes were secured through the Mn/DOT Cooperative Purchasing Venture <br />(CPV) equipment contracts. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved purchase the loader and <br />attachments from Ziegler and Lano Equipment at the prices consistent with the Mn/DOT CPV <br />contract. <br />
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