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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2021 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />Motion by Haas, second by Miron, to approve RESOLUTION 2021- 34 ACCEPTING THE <br />RESIGNATION OF COUNCIL MEMBER CHUCK HAAS AND DECLARING A <br />VACANCY. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Miron made motion by Miron, Klein seconded, to schedule interviews on May 26, 2021, at 6pm <br />in the Oneka Room. <br /> <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Authorize Lions Park/School Trail Study <br /> <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway presented to Council a proposal for a feasibility study for a trail <br />between Lions Park and the new White Bear Lake Area elementary school currently under <br />construction. At their meeting of April 21, 2021, the Parks Commission reviewed a proposal <br />from WSB and recommended approval to Council. Both the park and school were anticipated to <br />be under construction in summer, 2021. The City owned property north of Lions Park which, in <br />combination with property owned by the school district, could provide significant educational <br />and recreational opportunities if made accessible with a trail. Grant funding may be available. <br />The proposal received by WSB to study the feasibility of trails in this area would cost $16,000. It <br />includes mapping of wetlands, as well as preparation and evaluation of conceptual trail <br />alignments and a concluding report. Denaway showed where the current north/south trails were <br />located. The Parks Commission had talked about this being a unique area of the City with an <br />opportunity to provide passive activities that complement the existing facilities. Lions Park <br />would serve as a hub with all proposed trails connecting to it. The trails would be primarily for <br />recreational use and less of a pedestrian corridor. She talked about alternative recreation options <br />along the corridor. Denaway provided a timeline that would lead to approval in the fall/winter <br />2021. The Parks Commission had recommended approval of the proposal from WSB for the trail <br />feasibility study. <br /> <br />Weidt asked if there had been conversations with the school district on partnering on this project. <br />Denaway responded that they had not shared the proposal with them yet but will. She added that <br />the money for the study would come out of the special parks fund. <br /> <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the lions park/school trail feasibility study. <br /> <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> <br />Council Member Chuck Haas reported to Council on the Yellow Ribbon Network activities held <br />recently. Hamburger Night at the Legion had resumed last week, and the White Bear Lake Area <br />Chamber sponsored it with 151 burger meals being served. St. Johns Men’s Club will be the <br />sponsor for May. Highway Credit will be the sponsor in June, and Leo’s Malt Shop will serve