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2021.05.17 CC Packet
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2021 CC Packets
2021.05.17 CC Packet
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7/19/2021 4:32:18 PM
Creation date
7/19/2021 4:31:45 PM
City Council
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br /> <br />areas. Anderson showed the site plan and explained there would be a concrete foundation and <br />walls in the height of about 12 feet. The remainder of the walls would be timber frame sided <br />with thermal treated siding, and it would have a steel roof. The inside would contain bins for dry <br />storage. <br /> <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to award the contract to Ebert Construction for the <br />construction of a salt and materials storage building in the amount of $662,200. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specs and Authorize Advertisement for Bids for <br />the Downtown Street Project and Lions Park <br /> <br />Previously, the Council had authorized staff to prepare plans and specifications for the 2021 <br />Downtown Improvement and Lions Park Redevelopment Projects. City Engineer Mark Erichson <br />informed Council the Plans and Specifications had been prepared for both projects and were <br />ready to be advertised for bidding. Erichson provided Council information highlighting the <br />projects in and around the area including the water reuse project. He explained the reason they <br />would bid both projects together was to have the same contractor for both saying it would ease <br />coordination work and be less expensive. The playground would be bid separately, and there <br />were alternate bid items that included the northwest parking lot, City Hall landscaping and <br />courts. The street project would be a full reconstruction with curb and gutter, and a new section <br />of 147th Street would be constructed to State Aid standards. There would also be trails <br />constructed and improvements to the intersection at Oneka Parkway that would include turn <br />lanes. In the project area there would also be improvements to the storm sewer, and water and <br />sanitary utilities. He provided the schedule saying they would like to award the project at the <br />June 20, 2021, meeting but the project could not be awarded until the City received notification <br />on whether it received the Local Road Improvement Program Grant, which was in the amount of <br />$1.25 million. He explained there was work already being done in the area by utility companies <br />who take the opportunity to do upgrades in advance of a project. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-31 APPROVING <br />PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS <br />FOR THE 2021 DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND LIONS PARK <br />REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specs and Authorizing Advertisement of Bids <br />for the Pavilion at Lions Park <br /> <br />Planner Shayla Denaway provided background saying the City Council had authorized the <br />drafting of construction documents of a new pavilion at Lions Park at their February 1, 2021 <br />meeting. HCM Architects had completed the construction plans and specifications. She showed <br />images of the final pavilion design and explained the timeline included approval of the plans and <br />specifications at this meeting and authorization to advertise for bids. The goal was to have a bid
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