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2021.06.21 CC Packet
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2021.06.21 CC Packet
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7/19/2021 4:34:33 PM
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7/19/2021 4:33:06 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2021 <br />Page 10 of 11 <br /> <br />rentals. <br /> <br />Klein and Miron spoke on the issue of using staff and law enforcement resources to address <br />complaints. If the actives occur, there needed to be a method to hold the property owners <br />accountable. An ordinance, if created, needed to have a provision addressing that. <br /> <br />Petryk talked about potential problems with Homeowner Associations having different <br />regulations. She stated she was not in favor of short term rentals because people running a <br />business in a residential area impact those living there and paying taxes. She did not think it was <br />a good idea in Hugo <br /> <br />Weidt agreed saying finding places in Hugo where it wouldn’t bother people would be hard to <br />do. Disturbances would be created, generating complaints. <br /> <br />There was a question on how many short term rental homes were in Hugo. Juba replied that in <br />her research, she found only a few homes in Hugo. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Petryk seconded, to create an ordinance to prohibit short term rentals. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on American Rescue Plan Act <br /> <br />Interim Finance Director Anna Wobse provided information to the City Council on the American <br />Rescue Plan Act and the Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds. The City of Hugo was eligible to <br />receive an estimated $1.6 million in Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds under this act signed <br />into law on March 11, 2021. The Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds would <br />provide a substantial infusion of resources to help turn the tide on the COVID-19 pandemic by <br />addressing the pandemics economic fallout and laying the foundation for a strong and equitable <br />recovery. Eligible uses of the Recovery Funds included responding to the public health <br />emergency and the negative economic impacts of the pandemic, premium pay for essential <br />workers, replacement of revenue lost due to the pandemic that would be used to provide vital <br />government services, and necessary investments in water, sewer and broadband <br />infrastructure. Anna provided details on how these funds could be spent. Governments have <br />until December 31, 2024, to spend the Recovery Funds. <br /> <br />Council talked about the need to provide broadband to underserved areas and using the money <br />for water reuse projects. There were questions on the process of spending these funds. Wobse <br />talked about the guidelines and Bear replied that a federal audit would occur to ensure those <br />guidelines were met. Council was asked to think about how they would like to spend these funds. <br /> <br />Parks Summer Programs for 2021 <br /> <br />Bear provided information on Park Play Days and Library in the Park. Park Play Days would be <br />hosted by the Forest Lake YMCA and held Monday-Thursday at Hanif Fields beginning June 14. <br />The program fee was $90 for a four week session. Library in the Park would be hosted by the
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