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2021.06.21 CC Packet
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2021.06.21 CC Packet
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7/19/2021 4:34:33 PM
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7/19/2021 4:33:06 PM
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certification process for non-entitlement cities and have opened the portal for applications. Staff <br />recommends that the City Council approve the resolution authorizing acceptance of the <br />Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds under the American Rescue Plan Act so that staff can <br />apply to receive the Recovery Funds. <br /> <br />G.5 Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for Fence at 14276 <br />Evergreen Avenue North - Anna Lovegren <br /> <br />Anna Lovegren, resident at 14276 Evergreen Avenue North, has applied for an encroachment <br />agreement to allow a fence to be constructed within a drainage and utility easement on her <br />property. Staff recommends approval of the encroachment agreement for Anna Lovegren, on <br />property located at 14276 Evergreen Avenue North to allow a fence to be constructed within a <br />drainage and utility easement. <br /> <br />G.6 Approve Extension of Purchase Agreement Timeline for City Owned Property <br /> <br />At their September 15, 2020 meeting, the Hugo EDA made a motion to direct staff to work with <br />Denny Trooien on his proposal for the purchase agreement of City-owned property along Egg <br />Lake. The City Council approved the purchase agreement at their December 7, 2020 meeting. <br />The purchase agreement was executed on January 20, 2021. Trooien has presented his concept of <br />Downtown Hugo to the EDA, which includes restaurants and retail spaces as well as common <br />space and a dock area. Mr. Trooien has been working on putting together concepts for the <br />property and has meet with staff and other entities such as the MN DNR to work out <br />development details. The meetings have been going very well, but more time is needed to <br />determine if flexibility will be allowed on some of the regulations such as shoreland setbacks. <br />The existing term of the purchase agreement state that phase one is to be closed on November <br />20, 2021. Mr. Trooien is requesting a 6 month extension to allow the closing to occur on May 20, <br />2021. Staff recommended approval of the extension to the EDA at its June 15, 2021, meeting. <br />The EDA unanimously recommended approval of the 6 month extension to the City Council. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve Application for Washington County CDA Predevelopment Grant <br /> <br />Washington County CDA has a pre-development grant program for planning areas of <br />communities that have not been developed yet. Each city in the County can apply for $40,000 <br />per year with a 1:1 match. The match can be local or by a private entity or landowner. However, <br />the City is required to apply for the grant. Marvin and Judith LaValle have requested that the <br />City apply for the Washington County CDA Pre-development Grant for land use planning for <br />their property south of County Road 8 and west of Highway 61. The property is mostly vacant <br />with a few barns. They would like to complete an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) <br />to determine the best land uses for the property. The AUAR is a planning tool that communities <br />can use to evaluate different development scenarios and environmental impacts on the property. <br />The AUAR will also satisfy the environmental requirements that could be triggered with <br />development of the property. The LaValle’s are proposing to request a $40,000 grant for the <br />market study and AUAR. They will be responsible for the match. A land use study has not been <br />conducted for the property. It is in staff’s opinion that this is a good use of grant money and <br />recommended approval to the EDA at its June 15, 2021, meeting to authorize staff to apply for <br />the grant on the LaValle’s behalf. The EDA unanimously recommended approval to authorize <br />staff to apply for the grant to the City Council. <br />
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