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I.1 Award of Bid for Downtown Improvement Project and Lions Park Site Improvements <br /> <br />On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Bids were opened for the 2021 Downtown Improvement Project / <br />Lions Park Project. Four bids were received with the base bid plus four alternates ranging from <br />$6,229,214.95 to $9,644,833.95 with the Engineer’s Estimate totaling $6,934,656.55. Staff will <br />present more detailed information at the City Council meeting. Staff is recommending award of <br />Contract to Peterson Companies, Inc in the amount of $6,229,214.94 <br /> <br />I.2 Approve Proposal from Flagship Recreation for the Playground in Lions Park <br /> <br />The Lions Park Playground Stakeholder Committee reviewed proposals from playground <br />vendors and selected Flagship Recreation. The committee met four times to refine their <br />preferred playground design which includes embankment activities, a large climbing tower, zip <br />lines, and sensory activities. It also includes pour in place surfacing and sand. Staff <br />recommends approval of the proposal from Flagship Recreation in the amount of $498,123.20. <br /> <br />I.3 Award of Bid for Pavilion in Lions Park <br /> <br />The City Council approved plans and specs and authorized advertisement of bids for a pavilion <br />at Lions Park at their May 3, 2021 meeting. The project includes construction of a new public <br />pavilion building of approximately 5,500 sf with attached picnic shelter located at 5524 UPPER <br />146TH ST. N. On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, bids were opened for the Lions Park Pavilion <br />project. Eleven bids were received, with base bids ranging from $3,009,890.00 to <br />$3,311,000. Additionally, the bids included two alternates. Staff will present the results of the <br />bids received and make a recommendation to Council. Staff recommends Council consider these <br />bids and award a contract. <br /> <br />I.4 Schedule Public Hearing on Tax Abatement for July 19, 2021 <br /> <br />If the City Council chooses to move forward with the Lions Park Improvement Project, staff <br />recommends that Council schedule a Public Hearing on Tax Abatement at the July 19, 2021 City <br />Council meeting as preparation in consideration of the sale of Tax Abatement Bonds to pay for <br />the improvements. <br /> <br />I.5 Award of Bid for CSAH 8 Stormwater Reuse Project <br /> <br />The CSAH 8 Stormwater Reuse System will reconnect irrigation systems, serving 22 acres along <br />CSAH 8, Lions Park, Keystone Place, Hugo Gardens, Lions Park, and City Hall, resulting in <br />improved surface water quality through phosphorus reduction, decreased groundwater demand, <br />and volume reduction. The CSAH 8 reuse system will pump water from the stormwater pond <br />located in the NE quadrant of CSAH 8 and Oneka Parkway to the existing and future irrigation <br />systems, conserving an estimated 14 million gallons of water annually. Bids for this project <br />consisted of work along CSAH 8. The bids for the Downtown Street Improvement Project have <br />additional water reuse costs associated with getting irrigation to the park and City Hall. The City <br />of Hugo has secured $568,450 in grants for the water reuse projects. On Friday, June 11, 2021, <br />bids were opened for the CSAH 8 Water Reuse project. Two Bids were received, ranging from <br />$514,500.65 to $1,046,128.00 with the Engineer’s estimate totaling $534,985.00. Staff <br />recommends City Council consider these bids and award a contract in the amount of $514,500.65 <br />to Peterson Companies, Inc based on the results of the bids received.