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2021.06.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2021 CC Minutes
2021.06.07 CC Minutes
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12/7/2021 11:23:24 AM
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9/15/2021 3:30:29 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2021 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />Approve Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement between the MN DNR and Hugo Fire <br />Department <br />The purpose of the Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement with the MN DNR, was to cooperate <br />in the prevention and suppression of wildland fires as authorized under M.S. 88.04. The DNR, <br />Division of Forestry, was responsible for the prevention and suppression of all wildland fires <br />within the state. The Hugo Fire Department was responsible to prevent and extinguish all <br />unwanted fires within the City of Hugo. It was mutually advantageous and in the public's interest <br />for the City of Hugo and the DNR to assist in each other's efforts in prevention, detection, and <br />suppression of wildland fires and to cooperate in fire hazard reduction. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement between the MN DNR and the <br />Hugo Fire Department. <br />Approve Appointment of Roger Clarke as the New Chair of the Parks Commission <br />Dave Strub had been serving on the Parks Commission as Chair. With the appointment of Dave <br />as Ward 3 City Council Member, the Parks Commission Chair seat was vacant. As per City <br />ordinance, the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council, appoints one of the commission's <br />members to serve as chair. Mayor Weidt recommended Roger Clarke be appointed as the new <br />Chair of the Parks Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of <br />Roger Clarke as the new Parks Commission Chair. <br />Approve Revision to the Parks Planner Job Description and Pay Range <br />As with all City job positions, the Parks Planner position had been recently reviewed to see how it <br />compares to the overall competitive job market. After evaluating the job responsibilities and pay <br />grade for this position, staff found that the position should no longer be classified as an entry level <br />position and a change in pay -grade classification should be made. Shayla Denaway had served as <br />the City's Park Planner since May, 2010. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the revised <br />job description and set salary at Pay Grade 7, Step 4 for Parks Planner Shayla Denaway. <br />Approve Wetland Replacement Plan for Downtown Street Improvement Project <br />The new 147th Street alignment between Finale Avenue and Oneka Parkway resulted in 0.31 <br />acres of wetland impact. The applicant (City of Hugo) was required to replace these impacts at a <br />2:1 ratio; meaning the City would need 0.631 acres of wetland credit. The replacement plan <br />application had been noticed to the Hugo Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP), but no <br />comments had been received. A TEP meeting was scheduled for Monday, June 7, at which time <br />there could be discussion on this item. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />replacement plan application submitted for the 2021 Hugo Downtown Improvement Project. <br />Approve Purchase of Wetland Replacement Credits for the Downtown Street Project <br />The alignment of the new portion of 147m Street between Finale Avenue and Oneka Parkway <br />had wetland impacts. Staff had prepared a replacement plan to address the impacts of this <br />
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