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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 5 of 12 <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON <br />THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 15817 ETHAN TRAIL NORTH. <br />Approve Hugo Firefighter's Relief Association Request for Increase in Lump -Sum Pension <br />The Board of Trustees for the Hugo Firefighter's Relief Association had formally requested City <br />Council ratification of an increase of $300 per year of service in their lump -sum pension <br />benefit. The Finance Department had reviewed this request and found it to be financially <br />feasible and consistent with the Pension Fiscal Policy adopted in April, 2012. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved to ratify the Board of Trustees request for a $300 increase in their <br />lump -sum pension benefit and a corresponding change to their by-laws. <br />Approve Hiring of Terence Hagstrom as New Building Inspector <br />At its May 17, 2021, meeting, Council approved the job description and advertisement for a <br />Building Inspector. The City received eleven applications and interviewed eight for the position. <br />Staff found Terence (Terry) Hagstrom to be the best fit for the position. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the hiring of Terry Hagstrom as the new Building Inspector effective July 12, <br />2021. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 9 to Ebert Construction for Public Works Facility <br />Ebert Construction had submitted Pay Request No. 9 for the Hugo Public Works Facility project <br />in the amount of $1,272,818.87. The quantities completed to date had been reviewed and agreed <br />upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated above reflected the work <br />certified through June 30, 2021, with a 5% retainage applied. Total retainage being held for the <br />project to date was $223,803.54. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 9 <br />for Ebert Construction in the amount of $1,272,818.87. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 1 to Ebert Construction for Salt Storage Building <br />Ebert Construction had submitted Pay Request No. I for the Public Works salt and materials <br />storage building project in the amount of $55,963.54. The quantities completed to date had been <br />reviewed and agreed upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated <br />above reflected the work certified through July 6, 2021 with a 5% retainage applied. The total <br />retainage being held to date was be $2,945.46. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />payment request No. 1 in the amount of $55,963.54 to Ebert Construction for the construction of <br />the City of Hugo Public Works salt and materials storage building. <br />Approve Hiring Special Inspector for Lions Park Pavilion <br />Proposals were received from Northern Technologies, LLC (NTI) and American Engineering <br />Testing, Inc. (AET) to provide third party inspections for the pavilion in Lions Park. The <br />proposals were for special inspections and testing including earthwork observation, soil testing, <br />concrete testing, and structural steel and connections inspection and testing. NTI provided the <br />lowest quote for the scope of work. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of NTI <br />for special inspections in the amount of $14,860. <br />