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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 10 of 12 <br /> <br />Parks Planner Shayla Denaway presented additional equipment that had been identified by the <br />Play Ground Committee. Minor changes to the grading and landscape plan would be completed <br />by Peterson Companies. Phase two could be installed with the first phase in early November. <br />She explained the second phase would be a challenge course with a linear set of activities geared <br />for 13 years older and adults, and signs would provide direction on use of equipment. She <br />informed the Council that the Committee had not reviewed these pieces in the last month, but <br />they were the same Fitcore line the Committee had earlier identified to be located there. Also, <br />the Parks Committee had not met since the last Council meeting to discuss these options. <br />Denaway said there were two options for surfacing. One was artificial turf that would bring the <br />total cost to $251,605.57 and the other was a pour-in-place surfacing that would bring the total to <br />$207,854.64. She explained the difference of the two, and recommend Council discuss their <br />preferred surfacing. <br /> <br />Council asked questions on drainage, colors, fading, and how it acted as a landing surface. <br />Denaway said they were mainly the same, and the difference was mostly aesthetics. Some <br />fading would be expected with both products, and they would both have a warranty. <br /> <br />Miron, who was on the Playground Committee, stated this equipment was the same as what the <br />Committee originally considered. He added that the variety in equipment would draw different <br />users, allowing residents to grow with the park. <br /> <br />Strub made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the artificial turf but have Parks Commission <br />review and possibly override the decision. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Shayla talked about installation of an access control system and security cameras in the new <br />Lions Park Pavilion. The access control system would be installed by Electro Watchman and <br />connect to the existing system used at City Hall and other buildings. With the construction of the <br />building, Electro Watchman also proposed to provide connections for a future intrusion alarm <br />system. A proposal to install an access/door control system and wiring for a future intrusion <br />system came to $26,360.95. <br /> <br />Denaway explained there was also a proposal to install an Avigilon Security Camera System <br />which would provide coverage of the interior and exterior of the pavilion and the adjacent <br />parking lots in the amount of $47,213.17. This was just for installation of the system and did not <br />include operation, maintenance, or data storage costs <br /> <br />Council questioned why the intrusion system would not be installed now and questioned if the <br />security system would affect insurance rates. Denaway stated intrusion systems often triggered <br />false alarms, and Interim Finance Director Anna Wobse said she spoke with the insurance <br />company and the system would likely help rates. The Council generally agreed that the cameras <br />were necessary. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded to approve the installation of the access control system and <br />Avigilon security camera system in the amount of $73,574.12. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried.