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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 19, 2021 <br />Page 11 of 12 <br /> <br /> <br />At the June 21, 2021, City Council meeting, Council also called for a public hearing on tax <br />abatement to be held this evening in preparation for considering the sale of Tax Abatement <br />Bonds to pay for the Lions Park and related public improvements. <br /> <br />Mikaela Huot from Baker Tilly presented information to the Council regarding the use of tax <br />abatement financing. She explained this was a tool that communities use for different types of <br />projects including parks and community centers. The proposal in front of the Council was to <br />provide the City with the authority to finance up to nine million dollars in bonds. The City <br />would abate the property taxes for the taxes levied by the City on the properties included in the <br />tax abatement area. The revenues would be used to pay debt service on General Obligation Tax <br />Abatement Bonds. She explained this was not an actual abatement. Each of the property owners <br />would pay all their taxes, and a portion of the tax revenues would be redirected for project <br />expenses. This would be done through an annual levy. Each taxing entity could choose to <br />participate in the abatement on their share of the property taxes. Maximum duration of <br />abatement would be 20 years if there were two or fewer participants. The school district declined <br />their participation. To use tax abatement, the City must hold a public hearing and adopt a <br />resolution establishing the tax abatement area. Approval did not require the property owner <br />consent. Council would then set the sale date and terms at their August 2, 2021, meeting, <br />consider award of the bonds at their September 7, 2021, meeting, and receive proceeds on <br />October 7, 2021. <br /> <br />Petryk asked Hout to clarify for the public to understand that this would impact their taxes. <br /> <br />Weidt opened the public hearing. There was no one in attendance, so he closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RSOLUTION 2021-52 RESOLUTION <br />APPROVING PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENTS. <br /> <br />Roll call vote-all ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Update on Drought Conditions and Water Use <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan added this to the agenda to provide the Council on the drought <br />situation and the latest DNR update. He displayed a map showing drought warning phases <br />throughout the state. Southern Hugo was in the moderate drought category, and northern Hugo <br />was in the severe drought category. This drought warning phase triggers items in the City’s <br />Water Supply Plan. During the warning phase, water suppliers were encouraged to implement <br />restrictions with a goal of reducing water use to 50% of January’s water use levels, which was <br />19,931,000 gallons of water. June’s water use was 70,452,000 gallons. In an exceptional <br />drought, Bear expected the governor to ban all nonessential uses of water. To meet the DNR <br />requirements, Hugo had to implement water use reduction actions with the goal of reducing <br />water by 30 million gallons. The City had an ordinance and could adopt emergency water use <br />regulations by resolution. The City already had odd/even water restrictions. <br /> <br /> <br />