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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 16, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />Approve Common Interest Agreement Between Hugo and Other Cities Impacted by the <br />White Bear Lake Water Level Litigation <br /> <br />As a result of the White Bear Lake water level litigation, the Court ordered the DNR to place <br />additional restrictions on Hugo's municipal groundwater pumping as well as those permits held <br />by numerous other cities in the east metro. The cities involved wished to have the opportunity <br />to share resources and data, and to do that it was necessary that they signed some type of joint <br />defense agreement. A joint defense agreement was an agreement whereby litigants agreed to <br />share certain information without waiving the privileges that would normally be waived if that <br />information were shared with others. Accordingly, the cities had collectively put together a <br />Common Interest Agreement that allowed the cities to share information relating to the lawsuit <br />without waiving the attorney-client or work product privileges. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the Common Interest Agreement between Hugo and other cities impacted by <br />the White Bear Lake Water Level Litigation. <br /> <br />Approve Purchase of Bunge Property at 14696 Fondant Avenue North <br /> <br />The City had been purchasing property in the downtown area from willing sellers since 1999 for <br />economic development purposes as a way to facilitate redevelopment in the downtown area. <br />Staff was notified by the property owner at 14696 Fondant Avenue North that they were <br />planning on moving and selling their house. This property, if purchased, would make all of the <br />property the City owns in this area contiguous. Staff worked on an offer and presented it to the <br />seller, which was accepted. Staff had signed the purchase agreement contingent on City Council <br />approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase agreement for the property <br />located at 14696 Fondant Avenue North with a purchase price of $480,000. <br /> <br />Approve Agreement between Washington Conservation District and Members of <br />EMWREP-Lower St. Croix Water Education Program <br /> <br />In March, 2016, Council first approved membership to the East Metro Water Resource <br />Education Program (EMWREP) as part of the SWPPP educational component. This was an <br />agreement between Washington Conservation District and Members of the EMWREP with <br />common objective to educate citizens about water resource, stormwater, and groundwater <br />management. This partnership allowed the City to more efficiently deliver water resource <br />education and meet the MS4 permit education requirement. This agreement was renewed for <br />another three years in January, 2019, and would expire in January, 2022. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the agreement between Washington Conservation District and <br />members of the EMWREP in the annual amount of $2865.26 for another three years. <br /> <br />Approve Purchase of Cutting Wheel Skid Steer Attachment for the Public Works <br />Department <br /> <br />In 2006, the City purchased a Bobcat Wheel Saw/Planer to assist in the cutting and milling of <br />asphalt patches. After 15 seasons in service, it was near the end of its useful life, and staff <br />wanted to replace it with a Caterpillar SW345 Wheel Saw. A quote from Ziegler Cat had been <br />reviewed with the Finance Department, and money was included in the 2021 budget to cover <br />this purchase. This piece of equipment would be purchased using the Sourcewell Cooperative <br />Contract #032119-CAT, which was equivalent to the Mn/DOT Cooperative Purchasing Venture