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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 7, 2021 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2021— 56 SETTING SPEED <br />LIMIT ALONG 125TH STREET FROM GOODVIEW AVENUE TO COUNTY ROAD 7. <br />Approve Tax -Forfeited Property Located at 6317 165th Street North to be Sold at a Public <br />Auction. <br />The City had received notice of a tax -forfeited parcel located in Hugo at 6317 165th Street <br />North. The County requested that the City review the property and either approve the property <br />to be sold at a public auction or conveyed to the City for an authorized public use or public <br />purpose. The adjacent property owners would be notified of the public auction. The property <br />included a vacant home, and Washington County had cleaned up the property and cleaned out <br />the home. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the property to be sold at a public auction. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Variance for Garage Setback for Luke Hanscom at 12096 <br />Everton Avenue <br />The Board of Zoning had reviewed the variance request submitted by Luke Hanscom for <br />property located at 12096 Everton Avenue North. The variance request was to allow a front <br />yard building setback of 25 feet, where 30 feet was required by ordinance. The Board of Zoning <br />reviewed the request at their August 26, 2021 meeting and held a public hearing. No one spoke <br />at the public hearing. The Board of Zoning found that the applicant met the conditions <br />necessary for approval and recommended approval to the Council. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2021— 57 APPROVING A VARIANCE REQUEST FROM <br />LUKE HANSCOM TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD BUILDING SETBACK OF 25 FEET, <br />WHERE 30 FEET IS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE, AT PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12096 <br />EVERTON AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 11 to Ebert Construction for New Public Works Facility <br />Ebert Construction had submitted a pay request for work completed to date on the Public Works <br />faility. The quantities completed to date had been agreed upon by the architect, contractor and <br />City staff. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 11 in the amount of <br />$393,604.75 to Ebert Construction for the work completed at the City of Hugo Public Works <br />facility. <br />Approve Pay Request No. 3 to Ebert Construction for Public Works Salt and Material <br />Storage Building <br />Ebert Construction had submitted a pay request for work completed to date on the salt and <br />materials storage buildings. The quantities completed to date had been agreed upon by the <br />architect, contractor and City staff. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request <br />No.3 in the amount of $234,982.12 to Ebert Construction for the work completed at the City of <br />Hugo Public Works facility salt and materials building. <br />Approve Pay Request No.1 to Schreiber Mullaney Construction for Lions Park Pavilion <br />Schreiber Mullaney had submitted Pay Request No. 1 for the new pavilion in Lions Park in the <br />amount of $40,836.82. The quantities completed to date had been reviewed and agreed upon by <br />