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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for September 7, 2021 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated above reflected the work certified <br />through August 31, 2021 with a 5% retainage applied. The total retainage being held to date <br />would be $2,149.31. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Pay Request No. 1 in the <br />amount of $40,836.82 to Schreiber Mullaney Construction for the construction of the City of <br />Hugo Lions Park Pavilion. <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Adelaide Landing 6th Addition <br />Adelaide Landing 6th Addition has had significant work completed to date and The Excelsior <br />Group had requested a reduction in the letter of credit. The current letter of credit for the 6th <br />Addition was in the amount of $1,854,238. Staff had inspected the work completed to date and <br />found it acceptable. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in the letter of <br />credit to $1,029,737 based on the value of work remaining to be completed. <br />Approve Resolutions Declaring Costs to be Assessed and Setting Public Hearing for the <br />Downtown Improvement Project <br />Staff had prepared two resolutions for Council consideration in accordance with the requirement <br />of State Statute Chapter 429 for assessments to benefitting properties. The first resolution was a <br />resolution declaring the costs to be assessed and ordering the preparation of the proposed <br />assessment roll for the 2021 Downtown Improvement Project. The second resolution was a <br />resolution calling the hearing on assessments for the 2021 Downtown Improvement Project. <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson showed a map identifying the streets that would be part of the <br />project. The streets being reconstructed would be getting new pavement surface and concrete <br />curb and gutter. The new street (147th Street west of Finale Avenue) would have a trail along <br />the north side and be built to State Aid standards. The road would intersect with Oneka <br />Parkway, and turn lanes would be added. As part of the project, there would also be <br />improvements related to storm sewer and drainage, and water and sanitary utilities. Erichson <br />explained the total project cost was $3,240,800 with $259,639.75 to be assessed. The remaining <br />$2,981,160.25 would be paid for with Capital Improvement Funds and State Aid Funds. <br />Construction would continue through the fall of 2021. The next steps were to declare costs to <br />be assessed and hold the assessment hearing on October 4, 2021. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-58 DECLARING THE <br />COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED <br />ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE 2021 DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Klein made motion, Strub seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2021-59 CALLING <br />HEARING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 2021 DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT ROJECT. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />