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Washington <br />:=� County <br />D <br />A big Thank You to Linda Wiegert and the Hugo <br />New Life Church Lutheran Women's Bible <br />Study Group for the generous donation of gift cards <br />for our WCSO deputies and Pup-peroN treats for our <br />WCSO K9 partners. We appreciate your support! <br />Crime Prevention Tip: <br />(left to right) Sgt. Joe Zerwas, Linda Wiegert and Detective Lee Mars <br />The Washington County Sheriff's Office would like to <br />remind everyone not to leave their motor vehicles running <br />unattended. We all like to get into a nice, warm vehicle, <br />but this can create a crime of opportunity that can easily be <br />avoided by following a few simple guidelines. <br />• DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE RUNNING UNATTENDED <br />This includes running inside to pay for gasoline or back inside <br />to grab something. <br />• Park in a garage or well -lit area. <br />• If you use a remote start, lock the doors and make sure the <br />keyless start fob is far enough away that the vehicle can't be mov <br />If you disagree with how your property was assessed, <br />you may appeal your property's market value estimate and/or <br />classification if you feel your property is: <br />• Classified improperly <br />• Valued higher or lower than you could sell it for <br />• Valued differently from similar property in your area. <br />The City Assessor and members of the board will be present <br />at Hugo City Hall on April 8th. If you need to make other <br />arrangements, please contact City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />at 651-762-6315. <br />If you have assessment questions please contact either: <br />RESIDENTIAL ASSESSOR COMMERCIAL ASSESSOR <br />Dan Squires <br />651-275-7223 <br />Laura Aamodt <br />651-257-7529 <br />FIG <br />