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discharge of a firearm or controlled weapon within 500 feet of any public road. Areas of the <br />City not in the Controlled Shooting Area may discharge a firearm on their own property or on <br />private property with the consent of the owner or legal occupant, as regulated by the DNR. <br />Staff recommends the Controlled Shooting Area be expanded to include land which has since <br />been developed with neighborhood homes and parks. Staff is seeking authorization to draft an <br />amendment to the Controlled Shooting Area Map for Council approval. <br />G.6 Approve Authorization to Update Tobacco Ordinance <br /> <br />In May of 2020, the Governor signed into law revisions to State Statute 609.685 “Sale of <br />Tobacco to Children” to “Sale of Tobacco to Persons Under Age 21”. State Statute makes it a <br />penalty to sell or furnish tobacco or tobacco-related devices or electronic delivery devices to a <br />person under the age of 21 years. In addition, the law increases the minimum penalties for a <br />licensee or employee of a licensee who is in violation of this law. The City’s current Tobacco <br />Ordinance makes it a penalty to sell or furnish tobacco to a minor, and defines a minor as a <br />person under the age 18. Penalties for violation are adopted with the City’s fee schedule. Staff is <br />seeking authorization to draft an amendment to update the Tobacco Ordinance for Council <br />approval. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve the Withdrawal of Jodie Guareschi’s Retirement from the Fire Department <br /> <br />At its September 7, 2021, meeting, Council approved the retirement of Jodie Guareschi from the <br />Fire Department. Since then, Jodie has stated her desire to remain on the Department. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the withdrawal of the retirement of Jodie Guareschi from the Fire <br />Department. <br /> <br />J.1 Update on Annual Bus Tour <br /> <br />The City held its annual bus tour on Saturday, October 9, 2021. City Administrator will provide <br />a recap of the tour. <br /> <br />J.2 Update on North Monument Sign <br /> <br />In 2020, staff provided the City Council with a new northern entry monument sign design for <br />Highway 61 that replicates a smaller version of the existing monument sign on CSAH8 and a <br />cost estimate. At the time the cost estimate provided by WSB was $109,000 with a 20% <br />contingency. The City Council has directed staff to have construction plans drafted for the new <br />northern entry monument sign design and get quotes from construction companies. Staff worked <br />with WSB to develop the construction plan for the sign and construction estimate. The cost <br />estimate provided by WSB is $89,707 with a 20% contingency. Staff sent the construction plans <br />to four contractors and received two quotes. Blackstone Contractors, LLC provided a quote for <br />$156,437.99 and Schifsky Companies provided a quote for $90,403.25, both include <br />landscaping. The 2021 budget includes a line item for the monument sign in the amount of <br />$75,000. Staff will present the information to the City Council at the meeting. Staff recommends <br />the City Council discuss possible next steps with the monument sign and provide direction to <br />staff. <br />