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for the 6th Addition is in the amount of $1,029,737. Staff has inspected the work completed to <br />date and recommends Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit to $347,303 based on <br />the value of work remaining to be completed. <br /> <br />G.11 Approve Release of the Letter of Credit and Cash Escrow for Oneka Place 1st <br />Addition <br /> <br />CPDC-Pratt-Oakwood, Limited Liability Partnership has requested the City release their letter of <br />credit and cash escrow for the Oneka Place 1st Addition Development. The one year warranty <br />period has expired. City staff has inspected the work and recommends the release of the letter of <br />credit and cash escrow being held for the constructed improvements for Oneka Place 1st <br />Addition. <br /> <br />G.12 Approve Release of the Letter of Credit for the 140th Street Extension- Schwieters <br />Addition <br /> <br />Victor Land Holdings, LLC has requested the City release their letter of credit for the 140th <br />Street Extension Project. The one year warranty period has expired. City staff has inspected the <br />work and recommends the release of the letter of credit being held for the constructed <br />improvements for the 140th Street Extension Project. <br /> <br />G.13 Approve Conditional Use Permit Renewal for Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing <br />at 5777 165th Street North <br /> <br />Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing has a CUP to operate a land clearing business located on <br />property generally located south of 165th Street North and west of Highway 61. Condition 1 of <br />the permit states that it shall be subject to renewal every 24 months. The last CUP renewal was <br />in January 2019. Staff visited the property on December 1, 2021, and noted that the applicant has <br />been conducting the same operation on the property but the intensity of the use over the last <br />several years has declined. Staff is not aware of any violations of the existing Conditional Use <br />Permit. Staff finds that Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing is in compliance with the CUP. <br />Staff recommends approval of the renewal of the CUP for Thommes and Thomas Land Clearing. <br /> <br />G.14 Approve Sale of Brine Mixer to White Bear Township <br /> <br />In 2012 the City purchased a brine (salt water) mixer and brine application equipment to be used <br />during snow events in the winter months. The City is no longer applying brine to the road <br />surface in advance of snow events, but is using brine to pre-wet road salt as it is being discharged <br />from the salt spreaders on the rear of the plow trucks. The brine is stored in tanks mounted to the <br />sides of our plow trucks and the brine is sprayed on the salt as it leaves the trucks. In 2014 the <br />City of Hugo and the City of Centerville made arrangements for Centerville to store road salt in <br />the City of Hugo salt storage building and for the City of Centerville to provide brine to the City <br />of Hugo. This arrangement has worked well for both cities and the City of Hugo has not utilized <br />its brine maker since 2014. The City of Hugo Public Works Department is requesting City <br />Council approval to sell the City’s brine mixer to White Bear Lake Township for 3000.00. With <br />the sale of the brine mixer, White Bear Township would agree to provide brine to the City of <br />Hugo if there was ever a need to do so.