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Ordinance, Council is required to adopt a resolution to certify delinquent utility bills to the <br />property tax rolls. Property owners who have not paid their outstanding utility bill will <br />have it certified to the property tax rolls. City staff recommends Council approve the <br />resolution certifying delinquent utility bills for placement on property tax statements <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of the Redistribution of Unrequested <br />Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds <br /> <br />At their June 21, 2021 City Council Meeting, Council approved a resolution authorizing <br />acceptance of $1,600,000.00 in Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds that the City of Hugo was <br />eligible to receive under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The Coronavirus Fiscal <br />Recovery Fund was established to provide a substantial infusion of resources to help turn the tide <br />on the COVID-19 pandemic, address the pandemic’s economic fallout, and lay the foundation <br />for a strong and equitable recovery. Eligible uses of the Recovery Funds include responding to <br />the COVID-19 public health emergency and the negative economic impacts of the pandemic, <br />premium pay for essential workers, replacement of revenue lost due to the pandemic that would <br />be used to provide vital government services, and necessary investments in water, sewer and <br />broadband infrastructure. The City received the first half of the requested funds in July and will <br />receive the second half in 2022. On November 22, 2021 the City was notified that we would <br />receive an additional distribution of unrequested Recovery Funds. Additional funds are available <br />for distribution because after the October 11, 2021 deadline passed for local governments to <br />request ARPA funds, nearly $12 million of the $377 million available to Minnesota’s non- <br />entitlement units of local governments (cities under 50,000 in population) remained unrequested. <br />As allowed by the United States Department of the Treasury, the state of Minnesota is <br />redistributing these unclaimed funds amongst eligible local governments who initially requested <br />ARPA funds. The City of Hugo will receive an estimated additional $52,903.46. The City <br />received the first half of these unrequested funds on November 23, 2021 and if Treasury <br />guidance remains unchanged will receive the second half in 2022. Staff recommends that the <br />City Council approve the resolution authorizing acceptance of the redistribution of unrequested <br />Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds under the American Rescue Plan Act. <br /> <br />G.9 Approve Ordinance Establishing 2022 Fee Schedule and Publication of <br />Summary Ordinance <br /> <br />City staff annually reviews the fee, rates and charges schedule and recommends changes. <br />The Finance Department has reviewed these changes and incorporated them into the fee <br />schedule for 2022. Staff recommends Council approve the ordinance authorizing the <br />establishment of fees, rates and charges for 2022, and approve the summary ordinance for <br />publication. <br /> <br />G.10 Approval of 2022 Salary Resolution <br /> <br />At the mid-year budget workshop, the City Council indicated their willingness to adjust the <br />City’s salary matrix by 4.5% and to grant step increases to those employees who had not yet <br />reached their pay grade maximums. Council approved the 2022 budget containing these <br />adjustments at their December 6, 2021 Council Meeting. Twelve of the city’s 25 full-time <br />employees will receive step increases. Two employees will be repositioned to a higher pay grade <br />to better align their wages with comparable metro cities. A new Building Inspector was hired in <br />2021 and the Finance Coordinator position was restructured to an Accounting Clerk