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Discussion included use and maintenance of the .5 acre park. It is too small and not needed. The <br />Commission was supportive of the off -road trail and discussed future trail connections to Hanifl Fields <br />Athletic Park and along Goodview Avenue. The Commission requested sidewalks be included along the roads <br />as per the ordinance to provide better access and walking loops. <br />Moore-Arcand made a motion, Tennyson seconded to accept payment of the full fee for park dedication for <br />Rice Lake Reserve. Strub amended the motion to recommend sidewalks on one side of the street. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />3. Public Works Expansion Plan <br />Scott Anderson, Public Works Director, informed on the need for a new Public Works facility. City Council <br />held a workshop November 12, 2019 to discuss expansion needs. Architect Jeff Ortel evaluated the existing <br />facility and presented a floor plan showing a potential expansion to allow for additional interior storage. One <br />item discussed at the City Council workshop was the possibility of building a new facility at Irish Avenue Park <br />Moore-Arcand stated that it sounds interesting and that it could create more activity and add energy towards <br />building the park. <br />Rauschendorfer discussed that the building should be designed to hide unsightly exterior storage. <br />Strub discussed that something separate should be built just for park users, such as a park shelter. <br />The Commission was generally supportive of continuing to evaluate construction of a Public Works facility at <br />Irish Avenue Park. They saw positives in having the facility at Irish Avenue Park as it would be good for long <br />term maintenance of the park. They discussed the need for having an additional community room for use by <br />residents. <br />4. Adjournment <br />Moore-Arcand made a motion, Tennyson seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:31 pm. <br />All ayes. Motion carried. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Parks Commission Minutes <br />November 20, 2010 <br />