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ORDINANCE 2022-511 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 38 — HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, <br />ARTICLE III TOBACCO, TO ALIGN WITH THE FEDERAL T21 LAWS AND MN <br />STATE STATUTE 461.12 <br />A new state law reinforces a federal law enacted December, 2019, raising the minimum tobacco <br />sales age from 18 to 21. In addition, the law provides several changes in penalties related to the <br />sale of tobacco products to people under 21 and the process by which a city enforces tobacco <br />licensing requirements. Cities that license tobacco retailers must comply with the new law and <br />adjust their enforcement practices accordingly. <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby amend Chapter 38, Article III, to <br />revise the following sections of Chapter 38 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, ARTICLE <br />III, TOBACCO, to read as follows: <br />Sec. 38-44. Purpose. <br />Because the city recognizes that many persons under the age of 21 years purchase or <br />otherwise obtain, possess and use tobacco, tobacco products tobacco -related devices, and <br />nicotine or lobelia delivery devices, and because studies, which the city hereby accepts and <br />adopts, have shown that most smokers begin smoking before they have reached the age of 21 <br />years and that those persons who reach the age of 21 years without having started smoking are <br />significantly less likely to begin smoking; and because smoking has been shown to be the cause <br />of several serious health problems which subsequently place a financial burden on all levels of <br />government; this article shall be intended to regulate the sale, possession, and use of tobacco, <br />tobacco products, tobacco -related devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery devices for the <br />purpose of enforcing and furthering existing laws, to protect persons under the age of 21 against <br />the serious effects associated with the illegal use of tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco -related <br />devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery devices, and to further the official public policy of the <br />state in regard to preventing young people from starting to smoke as stated in Minn. Stats. § <br />144.391. <br />Sec. 38-46. Exceptions and defenses. <br />Nothing in this article shall prevent the providing of tobacco, tobacco products, or tobacco - <br />related devices to a person under the age of 21 as part of a lawfully recognized religious, spiritual <br />or cultural ceremony. It shall be an affirmative defense to the violation of this article for a person <br />to have reasonably relied on proof of age as described by state law. <br />Sec. 38-47. Violations and penalties. <br />(a) Criminal penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this <br />article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor unless otherwise noted. <br />