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2022.01.03 ORD 2022-511 Amended Tobacco for T21
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2022 CC Ordinances
2022.01.03 ORD 2022-511 Amended Tobacco for T21
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1/25/2022 2:05:30 PM
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1/25/2022 2:02:07 PM
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Ordinance 2022-511 Tobacco Ordinance - Revised <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />(b) Civil penalty. The provisions of chapter 42, article II, shall apply to any and all licenses <br />issued hereunder. If a licensee or employee of a licensee sells, gives, or otherwise furnishes <br />tobacco, tobacco -related devices, electronic delivery devices, or nicotine or lobelia delivery <br />products to a person under the age of 21 years, or violates any other provision of this article, <br />the licensee shall be charged an civil penalty. If a retail establishment has its tobacco <br />license suspended pursuant to a hearing conducted under the provisions of chapter 42, <br />article II, that retail establishment shall, during the period of suspension, remove all <br />tobacco, tobacco products and tobacco -related devices, and nicotine or lobelia delivery <br />devices away from public view. <br />(c) Schedule of offenses and penalties. Penalties pursuant to state statutes. Civil penalties shall <br />be in the amount set forth in the fee schedule. This amount shall be calculated as against all <br />offenses occurring within a 36-consecutive month period from the date of the most recent <br />violation. Any violation having occurred beyond 36 consecutive months prior to the most <br />recent violation shall not be counted in terms of imposing the fee. Fines shall be paid within <br />60 days of the time of issuance of the notice. The penalty shall be made payable to "The <br />City of Hugo" and may be paid in person or by mail. <br />(d) Alternative Penalties. Law enforcement and court system representatives shall consult, as <br />applicable, with interested persons, including but not limited to parents, guardians, <br />educators, and persons under the age of 21 years, to develop alternative civil penalties for <br />persons under the age of 21 years who violate this article. Consulting participants shall <br />consider a variety of alternative civil penalties including but not limited to tobacco -free <br />education programs, community service, court diversion programs, and tobacco cessation <br />programs, and for persons under the age of 18 years, notice to schools and to parents or <br />guardians. Alternative civil penalties developed under this subdivision shall not include <br />fines or monetary penalties. <br />Sec. 38-49. Compliance checks and inspections. <br />All licensed premises shall be open to inspection by the city police, county sheriff s officers <br />or other authorized city official during regular business hours. From time to time, but at least <br />once per year, the city shall conduct compliance checks by engaging persons at least 17 years of <br />age, but under the age of 21, to enter the licensed premises to attempt to purchase tobacco, <br />tobacco products, tobacco -related devices, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices. Persons used <br />for the purpose of compliance checks shall not be guilty of unlawful possession of tobacco, <br />tobacco products, tobacco -related devices, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices when such <br />items are obtained as a part of the compliance check. <br />Sec. 38-50. Prohibited sales. <br />It shall be a violation of this article for any person to sell or offer to sell any tobacco, <br />tobacco product, tobacco -related device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices: <br />(1) To any person under the age of 21 years. <br />(2) By means of any type of vending machine. This subsection does not apply to vending <br />machines in facilities that cannot be entered at any time by persons younger than 21 <br />years of age. <br />
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