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2022.01.03 ORD 2022-511 Amended Tobacco for T21
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2022 CC Ordinances
2022.01.03 ORD 2022-511 Amended Tobacco for T21
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1/25/2022 2:05:30 PM
Creation date
1/25/2022 2:02:07 PM
City Council
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Ordinance 2021- Tobacco Ordinance Revisions <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />(3) As a single package of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco in open displays that are <br />accessible to the public without the intervention of a store employee. <br />(4) By means of "loosies" as defined in section 38-45 of this article. <br />(5) Containing opium, morphine, jimson weed, belladonna, strychnos, cocaine, marijuana, <br />or other type of a deleterious, hallucinogenic, or toxic or controlled substance, except <br />nicotine, and not naturally found in tobacco or tobacco products. <br />(6) By any other means or to any other person, prohibited by federal, state or other local <br />law, ordinance provision, or other regulation. <br />Sec. 38-52.Other illegal acts. <br />Unless otherwise provided, the following acts shall be a violation of this article but not <br />considered a misdemeanor offence. Violation of this section will result in alternative penalties as <br />stated in Section 38-47: <br />(1) Illegal possession. It shall be a violation of this article for any person under the age of <br />21 to have in his or her possession any tobacco, tobacco product, tobacco -related <br />device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices. This subsection (1) shall not apply to <br />persons lawfully involved in a compliance check on behalf of the city. <br />(2) Illegal use. It shall be a violation of this article for any person under the age of 21 to <br />smoke, chew, sniff, or otherwise use any tobacco, tobacco product, tobacco -related <br />device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices. <br />(3) Illegal procurement. It shall be a violation of this article for any person under the age <br />of 21 to purchase or attempt to purchase or otherwise obtain any tobacco, tobacco <br />product, tobacco -related device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices and it shall be a <br />violation of this article for any person to purchase or otherwise obtain such items on <br />behalf of a person under the age of 21. It shall also be a violation of this article for any <br />person to sell or otherwise provide any tobacco, tobacco product, tobacco -related <br />device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery device to any person under the age of 21, and it <br />shall further be a violation for any person to coerce or attempt to coerce a person under <br />the age of 21 to illegally purchase or otherwise obtain or use any tobacco, tobacco <br />product, tobacco -related device, or nicotine or lobelia delivery devices. This subsection <br />(3) shall not apply to persons under the age of 21 lawfully involved in a compliance <br />check on behalf of the city. <br />(4) Use of false identification. It shall be a violation of this article for any person under the <br />age of 21 to attempt to disguise his or her true age by the use of a false form of <br />identification, whether the identification is that of another person or one on which the <br />age of the person has been modified or tampered with to represent an age older than <br />the actual age of the person. This subsection (4) shall not apply to persons under the <br />age of 21 lawfully involved in a compliance check on behalf of the city. <br />Sec. 38-53. Signage. <br />Anyone holding a tobacco license under the provisions of this article shall post and display <br />in plain view of the general public on the licensed premises a sign indicating that it is illegal to <br />
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