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2022.01.24 CC Agenda-Goal Setting
City Council
City Council Agenda/Packets
2022 CC Packets
2022.01.24 CC Agenda-Goal Setting
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Last modified
2/4/2022 1:47:08 PM
Creation date
2/4/2022 1:44:14 PM
City Council
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Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Paid on Call Assistant Chief <br />The following duties are normal for this position. These are not to be construed as exclusive or all <br />inclusive; other duties may be required or assigned. <br />1) Responsible for emergency call response <br />2) Responsible for planning the training for the department <br />3) Managing education, certifications and MBFTE awards <br />4) Assist Fire Chief in hiring and on boarding of new hires <br />5) Building maintenance and repairs <br />6) Assist Fire Chief with personnel issues <br />Benefits <br />As a result of implementing the Fire Chiefs recommendations, the City staff, the Fire Department and <br />the citizens living in the City should realize significant tangible benefits needed to justify the <br />recommended investment. The following tangible and intangible benefits should be realized as a result <br />of implementation of the plan recommendations: <br /> Improve the confidence and abilities of emergency response personnel to handle emergency <br />incidents, by increasing the time spent on improving the Hugo Fire Department operations and <br />administration policies and procedures. <br /> Provide a long‐term approach to operational and capital needs for the City to use as a planning <br />guide for budgetary and operational considerations. This approach improves efficiencies by <br />reducing repetitive processes and provides for a structured management plan. <br /> Provide a pro‐active approach to planning for the future development of the community by <br />detailed evaluation of the fire department services, which is then revisited periodically. <br /> Improve coordination of information between the City and department, outside departments, <br />such as adjacent municipalities, public works departments and other organizations. <br /> Increase and improve the level of service to citizens by providing staff with the ability to have <br />quicker response to any requests or inquires. <br /> Provide the City management with timelier accurate information and decision‐making tools, <br />which should result in improved and effective policy decision making. <br /> Increased time and resources spent on grant applications. Providing possible budget savings <br />from offsetting costs for equipment and personnel with grant funds. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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