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2022.03.07 CC Packet
City Council
City Council Agenda/Packets
2022 CC Packets
2022.03.07 CC Packet
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3/4/2022 8:46:48 AM
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3/4/2022 8:44:57 AM
City Council
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PUBLIC WORKS WORKER <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br />ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS (cont.) <br />Performs summer maintenance on streets and sidewalks by sweeping sand and debris; filling <br />potholes; trimming trees; maintains road signs by repairing or replacing; inspects streets and <br />ditches. <br />Performs maintenance on parks and other City grounds by mowing grass and trimming weeds, <br />planting trees and grass, and repairing ball fields. <br />Installs and maintains safety material around playground equipment and visually inspects for <br />wear and tear and other safety issues. <br />Inspects and performs light maintenance on all public works machines, tools, and equipment: <br />changes oil and filters; replaces batteries and tires. <br />Performs light maintenance City buildings including cleaning, painting, and some repairs. <br />Sets up holiday decorations and assists with preparation for various City events. <br />Performs basic maintenance and repair on City buildings: repairs/replaces doors and windows; <br />repairs roof leaks and removes snow from rooftops; fixes some plumbing problems; and <br />performs some painting, installation of office equipment, general carpentry, and building <br />cleaning. <br />Keeps up-to-date on topics such as safety, loss control, and hazardous materials through <br />meetings, seminars, and workshops. <br />Assists with other public works activities in wastewater and line divisions; identifies problems <br />with lift stations as needed; <br /> <br />Other Duties and Responsibilities <br />May respond to resident’s questions and complaints concerning work being done while at job <br />site. <br />May assist with setting up public buildings for meetings. <br />Performs all other duties as assigned by supervisor. <br /> <br />REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, and ABILITIES <br />Knowledge of relevant City policies and ordinances. <br />Knowledge of practices, procedures, tools and equipment, and materials used in the maintenance <br />and repair of public works infra- and superstructure. <br />Knowledge of MnDOT traffic control procedures. <br />Knowledge of utility locates. <br />Knowledge of City’s superstructure and infrastructure and ability to understand/use City maps <br />and blueprints to locate items. <br />Knowledge of chemicals used in weed control. <br />Knowledge of municipal water system and ability to perform water testing/sampling. <br />Knowledge of OSHA rules and standards and ability to apply them to daily tasks. <br />Knowledge of traffic laws. <br />Knowledge of City safety policies and procedures and ability to apply them to daily tasks. <br />Skill in operating/using a variety of equipment, tools and machines. <br />Ability to read and understand instructions, technical manuals, and other reference materials. <br />Ability to work independently and as a member of a team without constant direct supervision. <br />Ability to perform work requiring moderate to considerable physical effort including climbing <br />and working at heights and below ground level. <br />Ability to lift/manipulate objects such as manhole covers, plow blades, and equipment some <br />weighing up to 70 pounds or more.
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