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<br />G.11 Approve Amendments to the Personnel Policy Regarding Personal Leave Pay <br /> <br />In review of the City’s Personnel Policy, it is found that certain language pertaining to personal <br />leave time and employee termination should be eliminated, specifically language that requires <br />the employee to be in good standing with the City at time of termination of employment. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the amendment to the City’s Personnel Policy. <br /> <br />G.12 Approve Variance from Shoreland Setback for 12582 Ingersoll Ave. -Tennyson <br /> <br />Ranell and Dan Tennyson are requesting the two variances for the reconstruction of an accessory <br />building on the property located at 12582 Ingersoll Avenue North. The applicant is requesting <br />variance to allow the building to be 6.9 feet from the Ordinary High Water (OHW) mark of Sunset <br />Lake, where 100 feet is required by ordinance. The second variance request is to allow the building <br />to be 19.8 feet from the front property line, where 40 feet is required by ordinance. At its Thursday, <br />February 24, 2022, meeting the Board of Zoning held a public hearing and considered the request. <br />There was no one that spoke during the public hearing except the applicant. Staff recommended <br />approval of the variance requests. The Board of Zoning agreed the requests met the standards <br />necessary to approve the variances and unanimously recommended approval of the resolution <br />approving the variance requests to the City Council. <br /> <br />G.13 Approve Pay Request No. 7 to Schreiber Mullaney for the Lions Park Pavilion <br /> <br />Schreiber Mullaney has submitted Pay Request No. 7 for the new Pavilion in Lions Park in the <br />amount of $787,621.21. The quantities completed to date have been reviewed and agreed upon <br />by the architect, contractor and city staff. The amount indicated above reflects the work certified <br />through February 25, 2022 with a 5% retainage applied. The total retainage being held to date <br />will be $105,521.62. Staff recommends Council approve payment in the amount of $787,621.21 <br />to Schreiber Mullaney Construction for the construction of the City of Hugo Lions Park Pavilion. <br /> <br />G.14 Approve Pay Request No. 17 to Ebert Construction for the Public Works Facility <br />Project <br /> <br />Ebert Construction has submitted pay request No. 17 for payment for the City of Hugo Public <br />Works Facility project in the amount of $216,130.36. The quantities completed to date have been <br />reviewed and agreed upon by the architect, contractor and City staff. The amount indicated <br />above reflects the work certified through February of 2022, with a 5% retainage applied. Total <br />retainage being held for the project to date is $466,168.08. Staff recommends the City Council <br />approve payment request No. 17 in the amount of $216,130.36 to Ebert Construction. <br /> <br />I.1 Approve Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications for 140th Street Project and <br />Advertise for Bids <br /> <br />Previously the Council had authorized staff to prepare plans and specifications for the 140th <br />Street Extension Project that extends approximately 600 feet west of the existing 140th Street <br />road segment lying west of Fenway Avenue. Proposed improvements for the project include <br />construction of watermain, storm sewer and street construction. This project has previously been <br />added to the City Streets Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and the extension will facilitate