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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2022 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br /> <br />explained the properties being assessed were based on the frontage of any streets in the HOA. <br />There would be additional assessments for the same group of properties when other roads were <br />improved. He said he had worked closely with the City attorney to ensure the City was in <br />compliance with State Statute 429. An appraiser had done a benefit appraisal, and the value <br />increases far exceed what the assessed amounts would be. <br /> <br />Erichson addressed the question on why the City did not budget for the entire project and the <br />issue on the road deterioration. He said the City had never not assessed for improvements, and it <br />was not uncommon to see a mill and overlay project done within a 15-20 year period. He <br />acknowledged there were issues with the concrete curb and gutter, and that could have created <br />some of the pavement issues, but it was hard to narrow down the deficiencies. <br /> <br />Koenig asked why the single-family villas and patio homes were not being assessed. Erichson <br />responded they would be assessed at the time those roadways were improved. <br /> <br />Erichson addressed the question on detours saying they had not received authorization for plans <br />and specifications. If the Council authorizes the project to move forward, a number of different <br />options would be considered and shared in another neighborhood meeting. <br /> <br />Erichson addressed the issue of improvements to private drives saying they were the HOA’s <br />responsibility, and there would be no assessments. <br /> <br />Bieniek further explained there were private roadways that abut some of those roads. <br />Improvements to those roads would be paid for with collected dues. He also reiterated that <br />those in the project area would be assessed twice, now and when Farnham was improved. He <br />talked about the concerns neighbors had with MnDOT overseeing the project since the last <br />project was failing. He questioned why the contractor or City was not being held responsible. <br /> <br />Erichson responded that he had no knowledge as to what happened with that roadway project. <br />The road was constructed by the developer and was not a City-led project. He said unfortunately <br />there was a one-year warranty. MnDOT was not involved, and it was not a state aid route at that <br />time. <br /> <br />Weidt explained that streets are a part of an entire system used by the entire City, including <br />construction traffic. The majority of the cost for improvements is paid by all residents and state <br />money and grants. <br /> <br />Ellen Johnson talked about the large construction vehicles she sees every day and how it was <br />unfair they do not pay for the roads. <br /> <br />There were no other comments, and Mayor Weidt closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Council talked about the deferral and when a resident could request that. Erichson responded it <br />could be done at the assessment hearing that will be held the first meeting in October, 2022. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />