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2022.04.04 CC Packet
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2022.04.04 CC Packet
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4/1/2022 8:40:42 AM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2022 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br /> <br />explained the City’s cost would increase but assessments would not since the assessment policy <br />is uniform from project to project. When the intersection was constructed, it had been planned <br />for a future signal, which would be less expensive than a roundabout. It was also pointed out <br />that assessments only cover approximately 14% of the total costs of the road projects. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened public hearing. <br /> <br />Rick Bieniek, 5161 Farnham Drive North, said he was on the board for the manor group and on <br />the master board, and he gets a lot of questions from neighbors. Concerns he heard were about <br />the truck and construction traffic breaking down the roadway, and he asked what assurances do <br />they have the road would be built properly and won’t prematurely degrade. He questioned why <br />the roadway was failing since it was not that old. Rick talked about the water reuse project <br />stalling in the construction phase and asked that the road project remain on task. He said he <br />appreciated the traffic signal going in at Frenchman and Oneka Parkway. <br /> <br />George Finn, 5169 Farnham Dr. N, stated that from 2018-2020, his total Washington County <br />property tax went up 47% and the total taxes for Hugo went up 43% in two years. He said a <br />concern was he was also paying for the 86% through taxes. He wanted Council to know that <br />those who live in the area have already been hit really hard. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt talked about how home values change the taxes. The City is on a flat tax rate, and <br />he was not sure if the value of George’s home had increased. He provided George information <br />on the Board of Appeal and Equalization to be held on April 7, 2022, where he could appeal his <br />value. <br /> <br />George stated he understood that but wanted to make clear that this was a major increase. He <br />said the increase in the value of the property is of no significance to him, but the cost of living <br />there is. <br /> <br />Paul Hughes, 15411 Farnham Avenue, said he had moved in last July when the 147th Street <br />project began and kept getting postponed. He asked about a project deadline. <br /> <br />Nate Koenig, 15396 Farnham Avenue, asked how homes were selected. He questioned if his <br />home was going to be valued at a higher rate and why the 14% wasn’t budgeted as maintenance. <br />He referenced State Statute 429 that talked about the benefit of an assessment needing to be <br />greater than the cost of the assessment. <br /> <br />Johnny Johnson, 5157 Farnham Drive, had questions on detour routes. <br /> <br />Ellen Johnson, 15443 Freedom Drive N, asked if she would be assessed again when Farnham <br />was improved. <br /> <br />Erichson addressed the question on quality control saying the project would need to meet <br />MnDOT State Aid design standards. Senior Engineering Technician Liz Finnegan would be on <br />site during construction and would be responsible to make sure they met specifications. There <br />were also material testing requirements. Staff would be provided with a construction schedule, <br />and he explained the 147th street project was not delayed; the signage was not properly placed. <br /> <br />Erichson addressed the questions on how homes were assessed and State Statute 429. He
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