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3 | Page <br /> <br />INTRODUCTION The Washington County Assessor Division has prepared this 2022 Assessment Report for use by the County Board, City Councils, Town Boards, residents, and staff. This report includes specific information regarding the 2022 assessment, as well as general information about both the appeals and assessment process. Minnesota statutes establish specific requirements for the assessment of property. The law requires that all real property be valued at market value, which is defined as the usual or most likely selling price as of the January 2nd assessment date. The estimated market values established through the 2022 assessment are based upon actual real estate market trends of Washington County properties from October 1, 2020 <br />through September 30, 2021. From these trends, our mass appraisal system is used to determine individual property values. Detailed discussion of the sales analysis can be found in the “Sales Analysis” section of this report. The summaries breaking down the adjustments made in each community, by property use, can be found in the “Past and Present Adjustments” section of this report. Property owners who have questions or concerns regarding the market value that has been established for their property are encouraged to contact the property appraiser responsible for their area. In most cases, an interior inspection of the property will be necessary. For detailed discussion regarding the appeals period, please refer to the section of this report titled “Other Assessment Related Information.” Bruce L. Munneke, S.A.M.A. Washington County Assessor