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2022.04.04 CC Packet
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2022 CC Packets
2022.04.04 CC Packet
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4/1/2022 8:41:08 AM
Creation date
4/1/2022 8:40:42 AM
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4 | Page <br /> <br />SALES ANALYSIS SECTION <br />Sales Analysis The assessment function is governed by Minnesota State statute. The law requires that all real property be valued at market value, which is defined as the usual or most likely selling price as of the assessment date of January 2nd of each year. Assessors are historians and measure the market based on sales which have occurred previous to the assessment date. Assessors do not create the value or predict what the market will do; rather, the assessor’s job is to follow the patterns set by the real estate market. Information on the sales of real estate is of paramount importance to the assessors in a market-based property tax system. Sales information is required to be submitted electronically using the program developed by the Minnesota Department of Revenue. This program is known as the Electronic Certificate of Real Estate Value (eCRV). The Department of Revenue requires all County Assessors to utilize a specified time period for sales analysis. This time period of 12 months is from October 1st through September 30th preceding the assessment date. Sales within this time period will be used to determine the changes in assessed value that may be needed in each community for the impending assessment. For example, the sales that occurred between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021 are used to establish the January 2, 2022 assessed values. The assessor’s office is charged with setting estimated market values for tax purposes at actual market value. The relationship between sales prices to estimated market value is called the sales ratio. The target median ratio range is set by the assessor’s office for all Washington County communities (for all classes of property); the range established for the 2022 assessment is 93%-95%. We make every effort to make certain that each municipality in Washington County falls within this range. In this way, we ensure an equitable distribution of the property tax burden for all Washington County taxpayers. <br />Sales Statistics Defined In addition to the median ratio, we have the ability to measure other statistics to test the accuracy of the assessment. Some of these are also used at the state level. The primary statistics used are: Median Ratio This is a measure of central tendency. The median of a sample is the value for which one-half (50%) of the observations (when stratified) will lie above that value and one-half will lie below that value. The median is not susceptible to extreme observations referred to as outliers. We use this ratio, much like the mean, not only to measure our assessment level, but also to analyze property values by municipality, type of dwelling and value range. These
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