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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2022 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />Approve Extension of Purchase Agreement for City Owned Property <br /> <br />Denny Trooien of Dennis Properties had the purchase agreement on the City owned property in <br />downtown. Mr. Trooien had provided an update to the EDA on the proposed project at their <br />meeting on March 15, 2022. Mr. Trooien had also requested the EDA consider a purchase <br />agreement amendment to extend the closing dates and construction completion dates. The <br />existing closing date for the first phase was May 20, 2022. He requested the first phase closing <br />date be September 20, 2022, with the availability to extend with written notice to January 31, <br />2023. He also requested a one-year extension on the closing date for the second phase. He <br />requested the completion of the first phase construction to be extended from December 31, <br />2022, to December 31, 2023. Mr. Trooien stated that he had been working on marketing and <br />had submitted development applications to the City for approval of the project, but it took <br />longer than expected to work through environmental regulations. The EDA had discussed next <br />steps with Mr. Trooien. He stated he wanted to continue to work with staff on refining the plans <br />and get scheduled for a Planning Commission meeting date. The EDA unanimously <br />recommended approval of the purchase agreement to the City Council. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the extension of the purchase agreement for the City owned property <br /> <br />Approve Ross Hoernemann as Safety Captain on the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />Ross Hoernemann currently served as the Training Captain and the Administrative Captain on <br />the Fire Department. Fire Chief Jim Compton had recommended appointment of Ross as the <br />Safety Captain while he continued to hold a second position as the Administrative Captain. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Ross Hoernemann as the Safety <br />Captain effective April 1, 2022. <br /> <br />Approve Jason Palmquist as Training Captain on the Hugo Fire Department <br /> <br />With the appointment of Ross Hoernemann from Training Captain to Safety Captain, there was <br />a vacancy in the Training Captain position. Fire Chief Jim Compton had recommended <br />appointment of Jason Palmquist to fill this vacancy. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />the appointment of Jason Palmquist as Training Captain effective April 1, 2022. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for 6593 145th Circle North <br /> <br />Brad and Mary Dinndorf had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of a <br />fence within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 6593 145th Circle North. <br />Staff had reviewed the request and recommended City Council approve the encroachment <br />agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved 2022-15 APPROVING AN <br />ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR BRAD AND MARY DINNDORF TO ALLOW <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON <br />THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6593 145TH CIRCLE NORTH. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for 12560 Foxhill Avenue <br />North <br /> <br />Terrance Reetz had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of a fence <br />within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 6593 145th Circle North. Staff had <br />reviewed the request and recommended Council approve the encroachment agreement.