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2022.04.04 CC Packet
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2022.04.04 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 21, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022-16 APPROVING AN <br />ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR TERRANCE REETZ TO ALLOW <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON <br />THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12560 FOXHILL AVENUE NORTH. <br /> <br />Public Hearing on Oneka Parkway Improvement Project <br /> <br />On September 7, 2021, the City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility study for the <br />2022 Oneka Parkway Improvement Project. Staff had held a neighborhood meeting on <br />February 16, 2022. The City Council accepted the competed study at their February 22, 2022, <br />meeting and called for a public hearing to be held on March 21, 2022. <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson presented a PowerPoint that detailed the proposed improvements <br />and findings of the feasibility study. The project would consist of bituminous mill and overlay <br />from Frenchman Road (CSAH 8) to Farnham Avenue, partial street reconstruction from <br />Farnham Avenue to Heritage Parkway, construction of a right-turn-lane northbound on Oneka <br />Parkway at CSAH 8, and construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of Oneka Parkway <br />and CSAH 8. Funding for the project would be provided through assessments to benefiting <br />properties, County funds, and City MSA/Street Funds. He explained the assessment process as <br />it followed MN State Statute, Chapter 429. An assessment hearing would be held in October. <br />Assessments can be prepaid without interest being accrued if paid within 30 days of the <br />assessment hearing. Assessments were typically spread out over ten years, but this project may <br />be assessed over five years. <br /> <br />The total project cost would be $2,600,000. He explained that, according to the assessment <br />policy, a partial reconstruction would be $4,100 per unit, which converts to $76.88 per front <br />foot, and an urban roadway overlay would be $1,800 per unit, which converts to $39.38 per <br />front foot. The total footage of all association parcels along Oneka Parkway was 6,035, which <br />did not include the clubhouse frontage of 405 feet. Based on the frontage along the home <br />owners association properties on Oneka Parkway, assessments were calculated uniformly <br />among the townhome properties. Areas outside the home owner association frontages were not <br />used to calculate the assessment amount, such as turn lanes and areas where there were ponds. <br />There would be future road assessments to the same group of properties when improvements <br />were made to Farnham, 149th Street, and Heritage Parkway. Those projects were not currently <br />in the five-year plan. With the future assessment combined, it would still be less than a typical <br />per parcel assessment. Erichson provided a rough schedule saying if it was approved this <br />evening, they would prepare plans and have a neighborhood open house in April to review <br />them. Bids would be opened and a contract awarded in June. Construction would take place <br />over the summer and an assessment hearing would take place in October, 2022. <br /> <br />He reviewed some of the concerns by that were expressed during the neighborhood meeting. <br />There were questions on the assessments to the HOA for the clubhouse and the condition of the <br />trail along Freedom Avenue. Erichson explained there would be a one-time charge of <br />approximately $20 for all those who had access to the clubhouse, and the trail needed <br />improvement but it was not funded. Parks Planner Shayla Denaway would be looking into <br />options. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt asked staff what would happen if the construction costs came in higher than <br />anticipated and if there was any discussion on traffic signal versus a roundabout. Erichson
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