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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />amount to several thousand dollars. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approve the City Attorney’s <br />recommendation to authorize the expert services. <br /> <br />Approve Auto-Aid Agreement Between the City of Hugo and Centennial Fire District <br /> <br />Fire Chief Jim Compton, Jr., had requested approval to enter into an Automatic Mutual Aid <br />Agreement between the City of Hugo and the Centennial Fire District to make equipment, <br />personnel and other resources available to their respective fire departments. Each party would <br />authorize the other party to provide assistance. Also, if either party received notice of a reported <br />structure or building fire within the coverage areas of the other party, that party would <br />automatically dispatch assistance to the scene without waiting for a request for assistance from <br />the other party. The automatic dispatch may include an engine, crew, and a chief officer if he or <br />she is available. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Reciprocal Emergency Services <br />Agreement between the City of Hugo and the Centennial Fire District. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Site Plan for Oneka Elementary <br /> <br />The White Bear Lake School District had requested site plan approval of an approximately <br />10,000 square foot addition to the existing Oneka Elementary School located at 4888 Heritage <br />Parkway North. At its April 28, 2022, meeting the Planning Commission considered the request <br />and unanimously recommended the City Council approve the resolution approving the site plan. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022-26 APPROVING A SITE <br />PLAN REQUEST FROM WHITE BEAR LAKE AREA SCHOOLS TO ALLOW AN <br />ADDITION ON THE EXISTING ONEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LOCATED AT 4888 <br />HERITAGE PARKWAY NORTH. <br /> <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for 13123 Fondant Trail North - Rogers <br /> <br />Benjamin and Michelle Rogers had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction <br />of a fence within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 13123 Fondant Trail <br />North. Senior Engineering Technician Liz Finnegan had reviewed the location of the fence and <br />was comfortable with the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION <br />2022-27 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR BENJAMIN AND <br />MICHELLE ROGERS TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE <br />AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13123 FONDANT TRAIL <br />NORTH. <br /> <br />Approve Encroachment Agreement for 13397 Fondant Trail North - Venerzzo <br /> <br />Kevin and Rachael Venerzzo had requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of <br />a fence within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 13397 Fondant Trail North. <br />Senior Engineering Technician Liz Finnegan had reviewed the location of the fence and was <br />comfortable with the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022- <br />28 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF <br />A FENCE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 13397 FONDANT TRAIL NORTH.