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2022.05.16 CC Minutes
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2022 CC Minutes
2022.05.16 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2022 <br />Page 9 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Miron agreed and thought they did a good job in putting the concept together. It was a sketch <br />plan that would evolve, and there was still work to be done. He said he liked the general <br />direction and agreed with the Mayor there were some access issues to look at. He said this <br />zoning district had existed for a long time and agreed with Petryk on holding a neighborhood <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Strub said he thought a bank would be an excellent business for this corner but was concerned <br />about what may come after it because of the drive-through. He said he would like to keep the <br />business in town and thought it was a good start for the downtown area. He didn’t think a bank <br />would be an issue on Flay Avenue but the next business may. He had attended the Planning <br />Commission meeting and knew the applicant was working to make it a good design. <br /> <br />Bear said there would be a formal notice that would go to the residents if there was a formal <br />request to rezone. It would first go to the Planning Commission and then the City Council. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to schedule a neighborhood meeting. <br /> <br />All ayes. <br /> <br />The Mayor allowed residents in the audience to comment. <br /> <br />Former Council Member Frank Puleo wanted to clear up the discussion on when the property <br />was rezoned to future business and what the Council thought at that time. He said three of five <br />council members were there today (he, Becky Petryk, and Mike Granger) and he wasn’t speaking <br />for them, but he did not recall any indication that it could not be individual businesses. He <br />pointed out that variances had been given to other area businesses. Puleo said he went to the <br />bank every day because he banks there, and there was no issue parking or in the drive-through. <br />Only one other time was there a car in front of him. He mainly wanted to say, as a member of <br />the council that approved the zoning, he did not recall any indication that one developer needed <br />to do it all. <br /> <br />Jeff Marier, 14792 Flay Avenue, said he was directly to the northwest of the property, and he did <br />not see the traffic flow being an issue. With the development of the park and stuff going on at all <br />hours, he could not see a better fit and did not see an issue with the access on Flay Avenue. <br /> <br />Former Council Member Mike Granger, echoed what Puleo said about being on the Council <br />during the zoning. He said he never thought it needed to be master planned. It was expected <br />single business would go there. The drive-through was something that needed to be done and he <br />would hate to see them leave the community. The drive-through would be very minimal <br />considering the noise from the traffic there, and the prairie style fits with the location. <br /> <br />The Mayor said he appreciated the comments. <br /> <br /> <br />
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