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2022.05.16 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2022 CC Minutes
2022.05.16 CC Minutes
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6/23/2022 1:13:37 PM
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6/23/2022 12:28:48 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 16, 2022 <br />Page 8 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The Planning Commission had reviewed the sketch plan at its April 28, 2022, meeting and <br />agreed it needed to meet the Downtown Design Guidelines and agreed the bank was a good use <br />for the property. Some commissioners were okay with the access off Flay, and they discussed <br />transitions between land use. There were questions on rezoning to C1 and they made a <br />recommendation to have a neighborhood meeting to be sure the property owners understood. <br />They were okay with the drive-through but did not want to see a fast food or high traffic business <br />there. <br /> <br />Joel Houle, president of Premier Bank Hugo Branch, talked about his commitment to Hugo <br />saying it was a family-owned bank and they had outgrown their current site. He talked about his <br />time as an EDA Commissioner and how there was always talk about downtown redevelopment. <br /> <br />Chad Haller, from 10K Architecture, showed a presentation with different variations in <br />architecture of Premier Bank building saying they did not have a corporate brand and wanted to <br />build something that was harmonious with the site. He said he hoped to maintain the trees on the <br />north side of the site and possibly an amenity with a bike rack and bench seating on the south <br />side of the building. He said he liked the prairie style architecture with a low profile and bigger <br />overhangs that would feel more residential. The bank building would have brick at the base and <br />stone at the entryways with lots of glass. The trash enclosure would be on the north side of the <br />building. <br /> <br />Kline said the drive-through wrapped around bank which seems typical and safe. He said the <br />hours of operation would likely stay the same so not a lot of traffic flow. He asked about their <br />ATM. <br /> <br />Houle said the hours would be 8-5 and not weekends. Even prior to COVID they saw traffic in <br />the lobby going down and about ten cars per day in the drive-through. He said there were a lot <br />of problems with standalone ATMs, so if they had one, it would be inside the building. <br /> <br />Miron asked about the tenant space. Joel replied they would look for a complimentary type of <br />tenant, and they only wanted to build once in case of expansion. <br /> <br />Weidt said he thought the entrance should come off 147th since the residential homes won’t be <br />redeveloping soon. He had no problem with the use and looked forward to seeing them grow in <br />the community. <br /> <br />Klein said he didn’t see problems with access off Flay Avenue since there would not be high <br />traffic. He said it would be helpful to see a neighborhood meeting. He asked about just rezoning <br />this site to C-1, and not the whole area. He pointed out there were multiple variances granted for <br />auto parts store to make that work, and he wanted to see this work since they had been in the <br />community for 15 years, and it was a good location for them <br /> <br />Petryk agreed with Klein. The Council made it work with Subway and O’Reilly. There were <br />issues with zoning, and she remembered challenges when the neighborhood was rezoned to <br />multi-use for the residents. She said a good start would be to have a neighborhood meeting.
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