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<br />G.7 Approve Resolution Receiving Bid and Awarding Contract for Demolition of Water <br />Tower No. 2 <br /> <br />Quotes were received for the demolition of Water Tower No. 2 on Wednesday, June 22, <br />2022. One quote was received. The low lump sum quote was submitted by Iseler Demolition, <br />Inc., Kinde, Michigan in the amount of $83,700.00. Iseler plans to remove the water tower July <br />13th-14th if the contract is awarded. Iseler Demolition has also requested an expansion of working <br />hours that would allow them to start at 6:30 a.m. rather than 7:00 a.m. to start with cooler <br />temperatures. Staff is supportive of the expansion of working hours considering it is only for 1-2 <br />days. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution awarding the contract in the amount of <br />$83,700.00 to Iseler Demolition, Inc. based on the results of the bids received. <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Change Order No. 3 for Water Tower No. 4 <br /> <br />Change Order No. 3 for the Water Tower No. 4 project includes liquidated damages related to <br />delays in substantial completion, deduction in unused material and other miscellaneous deductions <br />and a minor addition. These are detailed in the change order. Change Order No. 3 is a net <br />decrease of $250,090.50 in the contract price. Staff recommends Council approve Change Order <br />No. 3 for Water Tower No. 4. <br /> <br />G.9 Approve Resolution Approving an Encroachment Agreement for Fence at 4472 158th <br />Street N - Kaufenberg <br />  <br />Sarah and Josh Kaufenberg have requested an encroachment agreement to allow construction of a <br />fence within a drainage and utility easement on property located at 4472 158th Street North. The <br />Senior Engineering Technician has reviewed the location of the fence and is comfortable with the <br />request. Staff has reviewed the request and recommends that the City Council approve the <br />resolution approving the encroachment agreement for the property located at 4472 158th Street <br />North. <br /> <br />G.10 Approve Cost Share Agreement with Washington County for Oneka Parkway/CSAH8 <br />Traffic Signal <br /> <br />As Council is aware, Washington County has agreed to move up the construction of the signal at <br />the intersection of CSAH 8 and Oneka Parkway to accommodate including it with our Oneka <br />Parkway Project. This is beneficial for both parties in terms of cost and lessened impact on <br />resident with construction occurring over a 2-year period. Based on bids received on June 29, <br />2022, Washington County is responsible for $222,210. The cost share is consistent with the <br />County cost share policy. Staff is recommending Council approve the Cooperative Agreement <br />between the City of Hugo and Washington County for construction of a traffic signal system on <br />CSAH 8 at its intersection with Oneka Parkway outlining cost share responsibilities. <br /> <br />G.11 Approve Maintenance Agreement with Washington County for Oneka Parkway/CSAH <br />8 Traffic Signal <br /> <br />The City of Hugo currently has a signal maintenance agreement with Washington County for the <br />intersection of CSAH 8 and Victor Hugo Boulevard. As part of the Oneka Parkway Project, the <br />City of Hugo is working with Washington County to construct a new signal system at CSAH 8 and