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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 <br /> <br /> <br />D.1 Approve Minutes for the August 2, 2022, Neighborhood Night Out <br />D.2 Approve Minutes for the August 15, 2022, Council Meeting <br />D.3 Approve August 25, 2022, North Star Elementary Open House <br /> <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above meeting minutes as presented. <br /> <br />G.1 Approve Claims Roster <br /> <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br /> <br />G.2. Approve Performance Review for Building Official Joel Hoistad <br /> <br />Joel Hoistad was hired on September 14, 2020, as the new building official to replace Chuck <br />Preisler when he retired in November 2020. Staff recommends Council approve the Annual <br />Performance Review for Building Official Joel Hoistad. <br /> <br />G.3 Approve Cooperative Agreement with Washington County for the TH 61 Vision Study <br /> <br />In its Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and budget, Washington County has included a visioning <br />and jurisdictional transfer study to be completed for Highway 61. The City of Hugo also has <br />funds allocated for a total $50,000 to the study in its budget. The study will build on the existing <br />layout that was developed with the City, Washington County, and MnDOT for the future <br />expansion of Highway 61. The study will further evaluate the access locations and type of <br />intersection improvements at each location. It will define the right-of-way needs for the future <br />expansion and evaluate the future transit plans for the Rush Line corridor/Purple Line. The study <br />will also analyze the future land uses along Highway 61 and transportation corridors that connect <br />to the highway. Highway 61 is planned to be transferred to Washington County from MnDOT in <br />the future. The study will develop a detailed implementation plan including future <br />improvements, timing, cost, and agency responsibility for the transfer to occur. In March, <br />Washington County put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to consultants to complete the <br />visioning and transfer study. Washington County selected Bolton & Menk as the project <br />consultant. Work will start soon on the study with several public engagement events and <br />stakeholder meetings planned. Washington County is requesting a cooperative agreement for the <br />City’s portion of the cost of the Study. Staff recommends approval of the agreement, subject to <br />the City Attorney review and approval. <br /> <br />G.4 Approve Proposal from CivicPlus for CivicRec Community Room Management <br />System <br /> <br />Staff has been evaluating software to allow residents and users of City owned facilities to easily <br />check availability and reserve space. The Facility Rental Policy approved by Council on July 18, <br />2022, will be amended to include procedures for reservations made online and amended fees to <br />help recoup costs. Areas that will be available to schedule are the Oneka Room, Rice Lake <br />Centre, Hanifl Shelter, and the new Pete Peterson Pavilion and outdoor space. Staff has <br />reviewed the proposal from CivicPlus for the CivicRec Recreation Management System that will