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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2022 <br /> <br />D.1 Minutes for the September 17, 2022, Retirement Party for Jodie Guareschi <br />D.2 Minutes for the September 19, 2022, City Council Meeting <br />D.3 Minutes for the September 22, 2022, Royal Credit Union Ribbon Cutting <br />D.4 Minutes for the September 22, 2022, Lions Park Grand Opening <br />D.5 Minutes for the September 24, 2022, Kidz n Biz Event <br />D.6 Minutes for the September 24, 2022, Lions Club Ribfest <br /> <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br /> <br />G.1 Approve Claims Roster <br /> <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br /> <br />G.2 Approve Proclamation Proclaiming October as Toastmasters Month <br /> <br />The City of Hugo has been contacted by a member of a Toastmasters group in White Bear Lake <br />requesting the City of Hugo proclaim the month of October as Toastmasters month. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the proclamation proclaiming October as Toastmasters Month. <br /> <br />G.3 Approve Donation to the Hugo Fire Department from the Hugo American Legion <br /> <br />The Hugo Lions Club would like to donate 1,000 to the Hugo Fire Department for equipment and <br />training. Donations to the Fire Department must be approved by the City Council. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the donation of $100 from the Hugo American Legion to the Hugo <br />Fire Department. <br /> <br />G.4 Approve Resignation of Roger Clarke from the Hugo Parks Commission <br /> <br />Commissioner Roger Clarke has submitted his resignation from the Parks Commission due to <br />other commitments. Roger served on the Parks Commission from June, 2003 through December, <br />2012 and again since May 2017. Staff recommends Council approve the resignation of Roger <br />Clarke from the Hugo Parks Commission. <br /> <br />G.5 Approve Rezoning, CUP, Site Plan, and Variances for Premier Bank <br /> <br />Premier Banks is requesting approval for site plan, zoning amendment, CUP, and two variance <br />applications for the property located at 5616 147th Street North. The proposal includes an <br />approximately 4,500 square foot commercial building with a drive-through on the 0.76 acre parcel. <br />The property is zoned Future Central Business (FCB) and is located in an area of the City where <br />development is guided by the downtown plan and design guidelines. The applicant is requesting to <br />rezone the property to Central Business (C-1) accommodating the commercial use, a requesting a <br />CUP to allow for the drive-through entry point to be located within 200 feet of residentially-zoned <br />properties. Additionally, the applicant is requesting two variances be approved, the first to allow <br />for a reduction in vehicle stacking space in the drive-through lane, and the second is to allow for <br />the drive-through access point to be located on a residential street. Staff recommended approval of