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the requests to the Planning Commission. At its September 22, 2022 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the <br />applications. Staff is recommending that the Council approve the resolutions and ordinance for the <br />site plan, zoning amendment, CUP, and variances for the property located at 5616 147th Street <br />North subject to the conditions in the resolutions. <br /> <br />G.6 Approve Renewal of Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson <br /> <br />The Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson on his property located on the south side of 147th Street <br />between Irish and Hyde Avenue expired on August 2, 2022. Atkinson has applied for a renewal of <br />the permit for another two years. For the past several years, the site has been used to stockpile <br />material, with no mining activity taking place. When the permit was renewed in 2012, the Council <br />allowed the Atkinsons to move forward with the Mining Permit renewal process without all the <br />conditions being met until the time mining operations began again, due to the cost of meeting those <br />conditions. The requirements not being met are to biannually provide a topographic map of the <br />site, calculation of stockpiled material, amount of granular material left on site to be mined, and a <br />reclamation plan. Staff has found very minimal activity on the site to require those conditions be <br />met for the renewal of his permit. Staff recommends Council approve the Mining Permit for Mike <br />Atkinson for property located on 147th Street North with the condition that all requirements in the <br />permit be met when mining activity begins again. <br /> <br />G.7 Approve Pay Request No. 2 to Miller Excavating, Inc. for the 140th Street Extension <br />Project <br /> <br />Miller Excavating, Inc. has submitted Pay Request No. 2 in the amount of $190,595.88 for work <br />certified through September 15, on the 140th Street Extension Project. Substantial completion has <br />occurred on the project and just punch-list items remain. Staff recommends Council approve <br />payment to Miller Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $190,595.88. <br /> <br />G.8 Approve Pay Request No. 1 to North Valley, Inc. for the Oneka Parkway Project <br /> <br />North Valley, Inc. has submitted Pay Request No. 1 in the amount of $583,565.34 for work <br />certified through September 15, 2022, on the Oneka Parkway Project. Substantial completion has <br />occurred on 1 of the 3 phases of the project and significant work has been completed on the 2nd <br />phase. Work has also begun on the new signal system at Oneka Parkway and Frenchman Road. <br />Staff recommends Council approve payment to North Valley, Inc. in the amount of $583,565.34. <br /> <br />G.9 Approve Pay Request No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 for Iseler Demolition, Inc. for <br />Water Tower No. 2 Demolition <br /> <br />The water tower has successfully been removed. The quantities completed to date have been <br />reviewed and agreed upon by the contractor, and staff recommends Council approve Construction <br />Pay Request No. 1 for Iseler Demolition, Inc. in the amount of $79,515.00. The amount reflects <br />work certified through August 8, 2022, with a 5% retainage applied. In addition, Iseler Demolition <br />has submitted Change Order No. 1. This change order authorizes a deduction of $3,573.00 from the <br />Contract price for the City of Hugo to restore the site per the specifications with an independent <br />contractor. Staff recommends approval of Pay Request No. 1 and Change Order No. 1. <br />