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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />AT 5616 147th STREET NORTH, and RESOLUTION 2022-64 APPROVING A VARIANCE <br />FROM THE DRIVE-THROUGH BUSINESS VEHICLE STACKING REQUIREMENT FOR <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5616 147th STREET NORTH <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Oneka Parkway Improvement Project Assessment Hearing <br /> <br />On July 5, 2022, the City of Hugo awarded a construction contract for the completion of the 2022 <br />Oneka Parkway Improvements Project. At the September 5, 2022, regular Council meeting, the <br />Council adopted a resolution declaring the costs to be assessed, ordered the preparation of the <br />proposed assessment roll for the 2022 Oneka Parkway Improvements Project and scheduled the <br />assessment hearing on the proposed assessments for October 3, 2022. <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson talked about the components of the project and explained the partial <br />roadway reconstruction, urban roadway mill and overlay portion, and intersection improvements at <br />Oneka Parkway and Frenchman Road. He stated they were looking at having the signal <br />operational at the end of the year. He reviewed the process as outlined by State Statute 429 saying <br />the Notice of Assessment Hearing had been published in the official newspaper and mailed to the <br />owners of each parcel described in the assessment roll at least two weeks prior to the hearing. <br /> <br />Erichson reviewed how the assessments costs were calculated and the cost per unit according to <br />the City’s assessment policy. The rates per foot per construction type were added together for the <br />frontage on Oneka parkway and divided by the number of townhomes resulting in $421.61 per <br />unit. Assessments would be over a five-year period at 4.25%, and could be prepaid within 30 days <br />of this hearing in full. He said paving is scheduled for October 12 and 13, and the signal is to be <br />up and operational by the end of the year. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br /> <br />Richard Hogan, 5075 149th Street North, Unit #2, wanted to note it would be $84.32 plus current <br />association fees of $315 a month. This would be going up to $400 for one month for five years. <br />The $15,000 for the association cost would also drizzle down to the property owners. He said he <br />likes the stop light at the corner. He talked about the curves in the road and asked that the <br />developer or Council consider more straight streets in the future to make it easier for plowing and <br />fixing the roadway. <br /> <br />Debra Schreiner, 15042 Farnham Avenue North, talked about the assessment being put on the <br />association and not the other houses. She felt that any household that has a student that attends <br />Oneka Elementary should be assessed as well as the buses that use the road. It should not just be <br />an association thing for the City road. She said it was not an association road and many benefit. <br />She added that she doesn’t even use the road and definitely opposes it. <br /> <br />Weidt pointed out the association was only being assessed for 14% of the total project costs. <br /> <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder explained the purpose of this hearing and explained how other cities <br />do road projects. The bulk of this assessment was being spread to other people, not those that are