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2022.10.17 CC Packet
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2022.10.17 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2022 <br />Page 6 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />on the roadway. He talked about the broad area of the City’s participation in the cost and the <br />Council’s discretion on how it is applied, pointing out the assessment cost had been driven down <br />dramatically. <br /> <br />John Bredemus, 15174 Farnham Avenue North, said he has lived in Hugo for six years and taxes <br />have gone up a lot. He had never been assessed in any other city he lived in, and he wondered why <br />Vadnais Heights and Anoka never did it. He said all of the new construction to the north have <br />heavy duty trucks tearing up the road, and he asked if developers had been assessed for damage <br />done to the roads. He also asked about the senior policy, and there was talk about the paving of <br />Farnham. <br /> <br />Snyder explained how roads are assessed, and Erichson explained there would be a future <br />assessment to these same homes at a future date for Farnham Ave. It would be a small amount of <br />money for a mill and overly and would be substantially less. The homes to the north that would be <br />assessed would be at a much higher rate. Erichson explained the senior deferral program. <br /> <br />Dana Coleman, 15420 Foster Drive North, asked about the light and pedestrian ramps. She <br />questioned why they only had 30 days to pay. <br /> <br />Erichson explained the ramps were for handicapped accessibility. He explained there was a <br />deadline to have the material submitted to Washington County to get on the tax rolls, and it could <br />be paid if full in the subsequent years following. <br /> <br />Rick Bieniek, 5161 Farnham Drive N., stated the project looks nice, but there were issues with <br />signage by the school and some street lights out from Heritage Parkway to Farnham. He asked if <br />the wellhouse was being assessed and asked about other funding for the project. He said he liked <br />having the traffic control light, and he asked if it was known why the concrete fell apart, and he <br />questioned sidewalk maintenance. <br /> <br />Erichson replied the streets were not on the state aid system. There is money the City gets <br />annually from gas tax, but many components are not eligible. He said he did not have a <br />breakdown on it, but could get Bieniek the information. He talked about the deterioration of the <br />road saying no scientific study had been done, but it was likely bad concrete. There is now strict <br />sampling required by MnDOT. He pointed out that Freedom Trail was taken care of, and the City <br />has talked about a trail rating system. <br /> <br />Michelle Wolf, 5014 Evergreen Dr. N, Unit #1, asked about the HOA’s portion of it and whether <br />residents would be paying for that too. She said she agreed with what others said about the school; <br />people outside of the community are using the road. She said her taxes have gone up extremely <br />since she moved there in 2009. <br /> <br />Miron asked about limitations on who the City can assess for projects. Snyder replied government <br />agencies can only assess to the extent the property can be shown to benefit by the improvements. <br />Costs contributed by the City lowers the assessment. <br />
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