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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2022 <br />Page 8 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />The applicant was asking for PUD flexibility from the shoreland ordinance regulations, parking <br />regulations, and minimum rear yard setback requirements. In exchange, the landscaping plan, <br />design standards, and architecture would exceed ordinance standards and a main street atmosphere <br />would be created in the Central Business District. There would be access to Egg Lake and <br />improvements to the water and habitat on the lake. Juba reviewed the comments received by the <br />DNR who stated there would be unacceptable impacts to the lake and no benefits. Staff felt, since <br />this site was being redeveloped, there would be improvements and no negative impacts. <br /> <br />Juba stated the EDA considered the application last month and there would be more to come as <br />talks continue. At its September 8, 2022, meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing <br />and considered the request. There were two people that spoke during the public hearing with <br />questions and concerns on parking, stormwater management, and shoreland regulation <br />flexibility. The Planning Commission agreed the project met the requirements to approve the <br />applications. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the preliminary <br />plat and PUD, subject to the conditions listed in the resolutions. <br /> <br />Denny Trooien, owner of Dennis Properties, stated he had been working on this for a couple years. <br />He said he enjoyed working with staff and asked for favorable approval. <br /> <br />Strub asked about phases and if this first phase could stand on its own, or will it look like they <br />started and never finished. <br /> <br />Denny replied he was still working on those details with Rachel and are in discussions on how the <br />phasing will go. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2022-66 APPROVING PUD <br />GENERAL PLAN FOR DENNIS PROPERTIES, LLC, FOR “DOWNTOWN HUGO” ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF 147TH STREET NORTH AND EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 <br />(FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH). <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2022-67 APPROVING <br />PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUESTED BY DENNIS PROPERTIES. LLC, FOR “DOWNTOWN <br />HUGO” ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF 147TH STREET NORTH AND EAST OF <br />HIGHWAY 61 (FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH). <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Reminder-Liberty Academy Ribbon Cutting Friday, October 7, 2022 <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reminded Council they had scheduled a meeting to attend the Liberty <br />Classical Academy Ribbon Cutting Celebration on Friday, October 7, 2022, at 10158 122nd Street <br />North (former Withrow School) beginning at 12:45 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br />