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Ditches. The Rice Creek Watershed District plans to finish a significant maintenance <br />project along Judicial Ditch #3 this year. The ditch runs through multiple neighborhoods and <br />work has been very noticeable. City staff is leading a project to complete the last major section <br />of Judicial Ditch #2. The goal (weather permitting) is to complete all major ditch maintenance <br />work in the City. Following that will be ongoing minor maintenance. City staff will be working <br />with the Rice Creek Watershed District on an agreement concerning how to do this, who does it, <br />and how the work is funded. <br /> <br />Water: <br /> <br />White Bear Lake Lawsuit. As has become normal, this topic will again be a major <br />distraction in 2023. We expect activity both at the legislature and with the courts. The City has <br />actions pending with an Administrative Law Judge concerning water appropriation permits. We <br />are hopeful to work toward a mediated solution between all parties in 2023. <br /> <br />Stormwater re-use. Last year, the City re-used over 70 million gallons of water through <br />this program. Construction is ongoing on new several projects that will be privately managed by <br />Homeowners Associations. Staff continues to seek outside funds and project ideas for other re- <br />use projects. An effort this year will be to evaluate the successes and failures of these projects, <br />with a hope to improve processes that lead to their construction, and also possible enhancements <br />to existing projects. <br /> <br />Water Conservation. Many of the measures the city has implemented for water <br />conservation will likely be negatively impacted following the recent court rulings on the White <br />Bear Lake issue. Staff has implemented several programs using grant and city funds that have <br />resulted in substantial conservation of water and savings on water bills for hundreds of Hugo <br />residents. We will continue to seek new ways to lead in this area. <br /> <br />Regional water studies that impact Hugo continue to be developed and updated. Staff <br />reviews this data, participates on many task forces and committees and is involved in regional <br />discussions involving water use. Phil Klein remains as a member of MAWSAC. <br /> <br />Fire Department: <br /> <br />Administration. Council will consider whether to hire a full-time Fire Chief, and <br />reorganize the staffing structure within the Fire Department. Once Council makes a decision, <br />significant staff time will be spent implementing Council’s direction. <br /> <br />Parks: <br /> <br />Lion’s Volunteer Park and Peter Pedersen Pavilion. Some minor work on the new <br />building, the playground area, and the turf establishment will continue this year, with the park <br />being open for public uses, except for large events that depend on the establishment of quality <br />turf. Staff is implementing a new program for reservation of community rooms. The Parks <br />Commission would like to create a space within the park that allows opportunities for <br />recognition of volunteers. <br />