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Bernin Property. All building have now been demolished, and the Parks Commission <br />would like to complete the Planning process and determine what improvements should be made <br />to the property for passive public use. <br /> <br />North Star Wetland Bank. Is a project behind the new elementary school that would <br />involve creation of a wetland bank and addition of a trails network. Staff intends to proceed <br />through the design and permitting process with possible construction in 2024. A major factor for <br />consideration will be how to fund the construction. Following construction, substantial revenue <br />is anticipated due to the sale of wetland credits. <br /> <br />Trails and Neighborhood Parks. Improvements in these areas is always a priority for <br />the Parks Commission, and several projects are identified in the 2023 Parks CIP. Planning <br />efforts are expected for Clearwater Creek Preserve, along with continuing discussion of the <br />Hardwood Creek Trail. Improvements should be noteworthy at Victor Square Park and the <br />Hanifl shelter. Many important trail connections are also being addressed through our <br />partnerships with the development community. <br /> <br /> <br />Planning: <br /> <br /> Downtown Hugo. Staff is working with a developer to construct several buildings near <br />Egg Lake. The DNR has objected to the City’s approval based on the current City Shoreland <br />Ordinance and DNR rules. Staff anticipates spending significant time working with the <br />developer and the DNR on this topic. The discussion could also lead to an overhaul of the City’s <br />Shoreland Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Highway 61. In 2019, Council added a goal to begin discussions with MnDOT and <br />Washington County to talk about eventual improvements and expansion of Hwy 61. Washington <br />County has now initiated a visioning study for this corridor. City staff expects to spend <br />considerable time in 2023 participating on this project, which will include substantial community <br />engagement efforts. <br /> <br /> Apartments. Reacting to recent development approvals and new concept plans showing <br />apartments, the Planning Commission adopted a goal to evaluate whether higher density <br />residential development should be encouraged in more areas of the City. This is a significant <br />question that could impact sections of the City’s zoning ordinances, and Comprehensive Plans. <br />Discussion of High Density Residential projects has involved land guided for commercial or <br />mixed-use. In those circumstances, it would be prudent to also review the mixed use areas, and <br />commercial zoning district. City staff may seek help from consultants for this significant task. <br /> <br /> Single-Family regulations. With the market trend toward higher housing prices, and <br />requests for smaller lots, the Planning Commission would like to consider whether the standards <br />for single-family zoning should be changed. <br /> <br /> Solar Energy Systems. So far, the City’s solar ordinance has resulted in one solar <br />facility being constructed on 165th Street with significant neighborhood opposition. Staff has <br />informed the Planning Commission that we have had quite a bit of interest in recent months for <br />new solar projects in Hugo. The Commission would like to evaluate the existing ordinance. <br />