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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2023 <br />Page 6 of 11 <br /> <br /> <br />Milestones for 2023 was entering into a contract with the City and restoration of the chimney and <br />roof. The siding would possibly be done next year. They were leaning towards not putting it on <br />the National Registry of Historical Places. <br /> <br />The Committee asked the Council to confirm the schoolhouse would not be destroyed, allow <br />them to enter into an agreement with Forest Lake Historical Society as a temporary fiscal host <br />until they are a non-profit, and to have staff work with the steering committee to define details of <br />an agreement for Council approval at a future meeting. <br /> <br />Miron asked if Phases 0-2 would be done quickly and if there may be some type of use as early <br />as 2025. He also asked about septic and water services. Liz replied there would be no interior <br />restoration done by 2025, but they should have outdoor displays and trail stop improvements. <br />The roof, siding, and chimney was quoted to cost $31,000, so that was their goal. Liz said there <br />was talk about partnering with the snowmobile club to share in cost for things that are mutually <br />needed, and they would be continuing those conversations. <br /> <br />Petryk asked about National Park Service grants. Liz replied they may be able to get $125,000 <br />in grants, but cost of restoration would be driven up under their requirements. <br /> <br />Miron asked about addressing the safety of the building. Liz said they were doing a lot of <br />driving by it. They did install security lights and may possibly install a trail camera to deter <br />people. Brink added that they have not seen anyone there in months. <br /> <br />Strub said he was impressed by their work, and Phil agreed they were on a good path. <br /> <br />Weidt indicated he didn’t think they were completely there with the financing yet, but it was <br />owed to them and to the schoolhouse to allow them to try. He had concerns about the project <br />stalling and agreed there was a need to have an agreement between them and the City. <br /> <br />Miron agreed and said he understood the predicament of the committee when the future of the <br />building was in question. If something stalls, the City needed to maintain the safety and security <br />of the building and needed to preserve the City’s decision to do something different. <br /> <br />Bear confirmed that those were provisions that needed to go into the agreement. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to prepare an agreement with the intent to continue with <br />restoration and preservation of the schoolhouse. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Oneka Commons Sketch Plan <br /> <br />Planner Rachel Juba provided background information on the Oneka Commons Sketch Plan <br />application. In October, 2022, the applicant received feedback from the Planning Commission <br />and the EDA on a sketch plan submitted by developer Peter Stalland for properties generally <br />located in the area south of Frenchman Road/CSAH 8 and west of TH 61 for an apartment <br />development. Comments made indicated they did not like where the residential uses were <br />located along CSAH8, and they wanted it behind commercial uses. The applicant was looking