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2023.03.06 Packet
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2023.03.06 Packet
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3/6/2023 5:04:38 PM
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3/6/2023 5:04:13 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 6, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br /> <br /> <br />for a six-acre piece of land for apartments and was not looking to do mixed use. The applicant <br />considered the feedback and proposed a new sketch plan for Planning Commission review. <br /> <br />At its January 12, 2023, meeting the Planning Commission reviewed the new concept plan that <br />showed a mixed-use development with commercial uses along CSAH 8 and apartments behind <br />that. The apartments would be the first phase of the development. The applicant had a purchase <br />agreement for the whole site. There was no phasing plan at that time. <br /> <br />Juba explained the property was mostly zoned C-1 where it was expected to have varying uses. <br />The property was also guided for mixed use in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. She said it is a <br />highly visible area of the City, and the Downtown Design Guidelines needed to be met that <br />blends commercial and residential uses together. She showed renderings of the commercial <br />building and apartments saying they would meet the intent of the Design Guidelines but <br />comments from the Planning Commission indicated they did not like the large mass of the <br />apartment building and suggested it be reduced by removing the middle and creating two <br />buildings. They also wanted the underground parkingentrance to be moved to the back of the <br />building instead of in the front. <br /> <br />Juba showed on the plan where the trail would be located and the connection to the Hardwood <br />Creek Trail. Park dedication would be considered on a small park area shown on the plan, but <br />she said it didn’t look like much usable space and would need to be evaluated by staff. The <br />landscaping plan showed the ditch to the south and area where trees would be removed. Juba <br />said staff would like more buffering there. The main entrance would be off CSAH 8 and may <br />eventually include a traffic signal. This would need to be evaluated, and the applicant would <br />need to work with the County to do a traffic study. A portion of Victor Path would need to be <br />built, and Fenway Avenue to the south would require easement acquisitions. A regional pond <br />proposed to be constructed to the west would need to be evaluated, and the applicant had not <br />indicated if storm water reuse would be used. Sewer and water were available to the property. <br /> <br />Juba said the Planning Commission liked the walking loops, common spaces, and that it would <br />meet the downtown plan guidelines. They felt architectural design covenants should be in place, <br />and the building mass should be reduced. She said staff felt the applicant was on the right track, <br />but details needed to be worked out, and phasing would be very important. <br /> <br />Developer Peter Stalland said he had been working for a few months with staff and wanted to <br />point out that he had the entire 23 acres tied up with the seller. He would have covenants in <br />respect to the architecture so it would be cohesive. He said Washington County would not allow <br />a right-in right-out on the County road so they needed to deal with one entrance and move the <br />roundabout. He originally wanted to just do apartments at the street and it now it was 23 acres. <br />He said there was a lot of risk with the project, and to put all the money upfront was difficult if <br />you still have commercial to sell. He said if the City was interested, he would need help with the <br />stoplight and roundabout, which doesn’t have to be built right away. He talked about the garages <br />and said he could put up a nice landscaping barrier to prevent headlights on neighboring <br />properties. <br /> <br />Klein said he agreed with the Planning Commission’s comments; it would be nice to put in two <br />buildings instead of one. He said the City normally has developers pay for infrastructure, and it <br />should be his burden. He thought the project looked good, and he had no problem with the south
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