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G.6 Approve Special Event Permit for the Blacksmith Lounge for 2023 Events <br />The Blacksmith Lounge, 17205 Forest Boulevard North, has applied for a Special Event Permit <br />for their 2023 events to be held between Memorial Day and end of September. Events include <br />four auctions, seven car shows, one motorcycle swap meet, and one fundraising event. A SEP <br />approved by Council is required because there will be alcohol served outside and there may be <br />up to 200 people in attendance. Staff recommends Council approve the Special Event Permit for <br />the Blacksmith Lounge. <br />G.7 Approve Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Lift Station No. 12 <br />Lift Station No. 12 will be located in the northwest portion of the Oneka Prairie Development. <br />Since the Oneka Prairie project does not have a recorded final plat, the City asked for and <br />received a permanent drainage and utility easement for the lift station area to ensure that if we go <br />through the design process we can construct the lift station at this location even if the <br />development does not move forward. This lift station will also serve as a regional lift station and <br />receive wastewater from the ultimate development of the N-1 sewershed of the City’s 2040 <br />Comprehensive Wastewater Plan and beyond. Therefore, the lift station needs to be designed for <br />both the initial flow conditions and the ultimate maximum flow conditions of the regional sewer- <br />shed. It is not only necessary to serve the Oneka Place development, but the entire area south of <br />Elmcrest Avenue and south of 165th Street as outlined in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. At a <br />high level, staff has reviewed the potential of increasing the service area of this lift station to <br />include a portion of P1 (area north of 165th Street) to make the properties easier to develop. <br />Adding in this service area will allow the properties to extend water and sewer from the south, <br />rather than water from the south and sewer from the north. Downstream sewer analysis has been <br />evaluated and the system can accommodate this additional service area. Staff recommends <br />including this additional service area for the design of Lift Station No. 12. As outlined in our <br />sewer rate justification report, trunk sanitary lift stations are to be paid for and constructed by the <br />City of Hugo. Preliminary project cost estimates are estimated to be in the $600,000-$650,000 <br />range. Staff recommends authorization to proceed with preparation of plans and specifications. <br />G.8 Approve Personnel Policy Amendments for the Fire Department <br />The Hugo Fire Department is requesting changes to the City’s personnel policy. The proposed <br />revisions include changes to the probationary period, attendance, drug/alcohol use, and dress <br />code sections of the personnel policy. Staff recommends Council approve the requested <br />personnel policy changes. <br />M.1 Update on Cleanup Dates <br />The City will be holding a Clean Up event on Saturday, May 6th from 8am to Noon at the Hugo <br />Public Works Facility. This will be the only event held this year and more information is available <br />on the City’s website and in the City Newsletter. As a reminder, the City’s event and the County’s <br />hazardous waste event are at separate locations, but on the same day. The Washington County <br />hazardous waste event is being held at the Forest Lake Transit Center and they have more <br />information on their website.